👑 Sayber
6 years
Calm, Sweet, Intuitive, Purring machine
Sayber prefers long gentle strokes from her head to butt and will often walk back and forth and give aggressive head nudges to beg for more!
Sayber does not liked to be picked up, claws will come out!!
🍼 Mavi
1 year
CraZy, Cuddly, Mischievous, Dumb baby
Anytime, any where...if you can catch him
Sometimes like to attack feet! This is bad boi behavior. Aggressively blow at his face if he tries to do so!
💕 Love Bug
Pit mix
7 years
The Sweetest, gives hugs, perfect angel
Anytime, anywhere
She doesn’t realize how big she is so may try to jump or sit on you