Student Handbook

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Roland Park Elementary Middle School is committed to maintaining rigorous performance and achievement standards for all students and to providing a fair process for evaluating and reporting student progress that is understandable to students and their parents/guardians and relevant for instructional purposes. We have always focused on rigorous learning experiences for students and will continue to reflect our high expectations within this new grading policy. We also believe in equitable opportunities for students to demonstrate learning and will evaluate our practices within student grades to achieve our goals. Our students and families are at the center of our grading philosophy.

Tracking Student Progress

Students and families will receive a syllabus from the teacher highlighting grading practices for the course or grade level within the context of this policy during the first week of school. All teachers will submit their syllabus prior to the start of the first day of school for review by administration to ensure alignment of grading policy. Additionally, staff will provide a list of quarterly assessments (formal and informal) that will be used to calculate a students’ assessment grade. This will be shared to administration or content lead for review and then shared with parents. All teachers will use Infinite Campus as their official gradebook and, with the exception of resource classes or when assignments take more than a week to complete, will enter at least one assessment grade and one other grade per week. Teachers must enter two classwork/participation grades per week, one formative assessment every two weeks, and summative assessments as assigned according to the Assessment Strategy in core classes.
Parents and students can track grades using , which can be accessed by receiving an access code from the main office.

Grading Components

The following components are part of a student’s grade. Within our school, you will see the following categories of grades:
Assessments account for 70% of your total grade
This category includes both formative (ongoing) and summative (ending) ways of assessing student learning with the goal of supporting student growth and success. No single component assessment should be weighted in a manner that it alone could cause a student to fail.
Formative Assessment (50%)
Summative assessment (20%)
Other categories account for 30% of your total grade, and it is made up of:
Classwork: This includes work completed in the classroom setting.
Participation: This includes, but is not limited to, participation in classroom discussion, group work, and activities.

Make-up Work Due to Absence

Teachers will provide makeup work within three (3) school days of the student’s last excused absence, and students must turn in assignments within seven (7) school days after they are provided by the teacher. The time allowed for makeup work may be extended on a case-by-case basis for extenuating circumstances determined by the teacher. Any make up work received after the close of a grading period must be accepted and a grade change form must be submitted to the grade level administrator with the make-up work for approval. Only submitted make-up work with grade change forms will be approved.


We understand that students may demonstrate improved content mastery within the course of a grading term. At the discretion of the teacher and with communication and approval from the administration, a student may take an assignment that covers the same content that was covered in a prior assignment, and that grade can replace the previous grade. The specific questions must be changed from the prior exam, and the reassessment must occur in the same quarter, prior to the midterm or final examination. Grade change forms beyond the end of the quarter will not be accepted for reassessment work.

Grade Calculations

Year-long Course
Term 1: Quarter 1 Grade=50% & Quarter 2 Grade=50%
Term 2: Quarter 1 Grade=50%, Quarter 2 Grade=50%
Each Term = 50% of Final Grade
Semester Course
Quarter 1 Grade=50%, Quarter 2 Grade=50%
Courses Without Exams
The Grade of Each Term is Weighted Evenly
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Failing Grades (Grades 6-8 only): If a student receives a (F) as a marking period grade, the numerical equivalent of that grade cannot be lower than a 50 when used to calculate the student’s final grade. If a student failed a marking period by earning a 50-59, that score should remain unchanged when calculating the student’s final grade. A student’s overall course grade may be less than a 50 as final examination grades ranging zero to 100 are included in the final grade calculation.

Grading Scales

Grades Pre-K -1

P=Proficient: 80-100%
I=In Process: 60-79%
N=Needs Development: Below 60%
INC = Incomplete. The “INC” grade may be used temporarily for students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work prior to the end of a marking period.
L = Late Enrollment. An “L” will be issued when students enroll in a course near the end of a marking period, without available equivalent grades from a prior school to inform the calculation of the marking period grade.

Grades 2-5

E = Excellent (90%-100%)
G = Good (80%-89%)
S =Satisfactory (70%-79%)
P = Poor (60%-69%)
U = Unsatisfactory (59% or below)
INC = Incomplete. The “INC” grade may be used temporarily for students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work prior to the end of a marking period.
L = Late Enrollment. An “L” will be issued when students enroll in a course near the end of a marking period, without available equivalent grades from a prior school to inform the calculation of the marking period grade.

Grades 6-8

59 and below
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INC = Incomplete. The “INC” grade may be used temporarily for secondary students who have been lawfully absent from school and have not had an opportunity to make up missed work prior to the end of a marking period.
W = Withdrawn. A “W” will be issued when a student is withdrawn from a course (Semester or Full Year) prior to completion of the course.
L = Late Enrollment. An “L” will be issued when students enroll in a course near the end of a marking period, without available equivalent grades from a prior school to inform the calculation of the marking period grade.
PASS= Pass. A “PASS” will be issued when:
credit is awarded through credit by exam;
credit is awarded for coursework from non-accredited schools;
credit is awarded for home school instruction prior to enrollment in City Schools
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