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(Email to Mentors)
This email is being sent to all LC email groups at NJ/NY/CT managed hotels – please share with your ALC members.
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”
To further support our goal of building a World of Care through providing support, visibility and development for minorities and under-represented groups, we are excited to introduce the Leadership Mentor Program. This program will allow our managers (Department Head & below) to connect with LC & ALC members from hotels in New Jersey, New York, & Connecticut with whom they can relate to as it pertains to DBRGs or minority groups.
🎉YOU are invited to be a mentor! 🎉
If you would like to participate, fill out the below form where you will provide basic information about yourself as well as listing DBRGs or groups that you align with. Then, participating managers (mentees) will review all of the mentors and request who they want to be paired up with.
How it Will Work
· Participants will have access to a portal where discussion topics and resources are available. Discussion topics may include:
o 📽 Videos
o 📰 Articles
o 📚 MyLearning trainings
o ❓Sample questions for conversation starters
· You and your mentee will meet (ideally) once per month. Together you can decide if meetings will be in person or held virtually
· Mentees will have the opportunity to discuss challenges, ask questions, seek advice
· Mentors & mentees will establish personal and/or professional goals (in alignment with IDP)
· All participants will be sent a survey every 3 months to share feedback on the program

(Email to Mentees)
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”
To further support our goal of building a World of Care through providing support, visibility and development for minorities and under-represented groups, we are excited to introduce the Leadership Mentor Program. This program will allow you to connect with LC & ALC members from hotels in New Jersey, New York, & Connecticut with whom you can relate to as it pertains to Diversity Business Resource Groups (DBRGs) and/or minority groups.
🎉YOU are invited to join & choose a mentor! 🎉
How it Will Work
Participants will have access to a portal where discussion topics and resources are available. Discussion topics may include:
📽 Videos
📰 Articles
📚 MyLearning trainings
❓Sample questions for conversation starters
You and your mentor will meet (ideally) once per month. Together you can decide if meetings will be in person or held virtually
You will have the opportunity to discuss challenges, ask questions, seek advice
Mentors & mentees will establish personal and/or professional goals (in alignment with IDP)
All participants will be sent a survey every 3 months to share feedback on the program

Mentor were asked to identify which DBRG they are affiliated with. This does not explicitly mean that they identify as the focus of that group - they may be an ally or advocate. A select number of mentors have offered to be paired up with more than one mentee.
Due to the number of managers we have across our 13 managed properties in NJ/NY/CT not all may be paired up at this time, or be paired up with the mentor(s) of their choice.
If you would like to participate, follow the below link where you can view all of the mentors and their affiliated DBRGs.

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