Aviary Features

Manage Users

Last edited 151 days ago by Jesse Moore
From the Users page, you can add new organizational users (Org Owners, Org Admins, Org Users, and OHMS Assigned Users) and manage their roles and status.

How to add a user?

Note that this process is slightly different for Aviary organizations with SSO integrations. See below.
To add a new user to your organization, click the “Add Team Member” button. Enter their email address and select a role within the organization: Organization Owner, Organization Admin, or Organization User. Learn more about roles and permissions in .
The “Manage Team” modal window will pop-up. Enter the email address of the user to invite, set the appropriate user category, and click on the Send Invite button.
You will receive a success message.
The user will receive an invitation email message.
The user must click on the invitation link to accept the invitation. Once the user clicks on the invitation link, they with either be directed straight to Aviary (if they are an existing Aviary user and logged into the system), OR they will be directed to the Account Creation Page.
Note that the user invitation email may get caught by email spam or junk folders. If you user does not accept the invitation quickly, ask them to check these folders, or look for email from noreply@aviaryplatform.com.

How to add a user with an SSO integration

The process of adding an organizational user is slightly different for Aviary organizations that have an SSO integration. The steps are very similar to that described above, but it is important that the user first log into the organization’s Aviary site with their SSO credentials.
Direct the user to be invited to go to your organization’s Aviary site. At this point they should have no access to the site, except whatever your organization has made publicly available. The user should click on the Login button and then the SSO Login button. They should not enter their email and password below the —OR—.
If the user is new to Aviary, they will be directed to provide the additional information that your organization’s SSO integration does not share with Aviary. In some cases all of the necessary information will be provided from your SSO. In other cases, the user will need to provided it because your SSO does not share such information with Aviary.
After the new user clicks to confirm the account creation, you can proceed with the rest of the steps as outlined above.
To add a new user to your organization, click the “Add Team Member” button. Enter their email address and select a role within the organization: Organization Owner, Organization Admin, or Organization User. Learn more about roles and permissions in .
The “Manage Team” modal window will pop-up. Enter the email address of the user to invite, set the appropriate user category, and click on the Send Invite button.
You will receive a success message.
The user will receive an invitation email message.
The user must click on the invitation link to accept the invitation. Once the user clicks on the invitation link, they with either be directed straight to Aviary (if they are an existing Aviary user and logged into the system), OR they will be directed to the Account Creation Page.
If directed to the Aviary Account Confirmation page, the user should instead click on the Login button and use their SSO login credentials.
The user will then be redirected to your organization’s Aviary site.

Pending Invites

You can view a list of all sent invites in the "Pending Invites" window. You can also delete these invites at any time. Once users accept the invitation, they will disappear from this list.

How to edit, enable, disable or delete a user?

You can edit user roles by clicking on the Role dropdown and selecting a new role.
You can enable or disable a user’s status to enable or limit their permissions to view or edit content. Disabling a user (toggling the Status button to off) will remove their user privileges, meaning they will not be able to access or edit content or collections or view private or restricted content. Deleting a user removes them from the organization until they are re-invited via the “Add Team Member” button. A disabled or deleted user becomes a registered user from the perspective of this organization, but will retain access permissions to other organizations they belong to.
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