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Pet Medicine Tracker

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I built this free pet medicine tracker to keep track of our dog's medicines. Being able to quickly log things on a phone ended up being much easier than tracking on a piece of paper.

📝 How To Use This Doc

Create a copy of this doc by pressing 'Copy Doc'
Add your dog's medicines here:
Write any notes or instructions here:
Share your new doc with anyone in your family who will be also giving medicine.
When you administer a medicine, open the table and select "Given" - on a phone, you can swipe the row or on a desktop, press the button.

🤗 Umm, what is Coda?

Coda is a new type of document that lets you build docs as powerful as apps! Think of it like combining Docs, Spreadsheets, and Applications in one flexible place. You can use Coda in lots of different ways. Check out the for more examples! Oh yeah, it's free, too! 💥

✅ Ready to Start?

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You can also delete this Welcome page once you’re familiar with using the doc.

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) instead.