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Article Friday

Young people are worried about climate change because they'll inherit the most severe consequences. They argue for a strong role in finding solutions. The article offers ways young people can make a difference, including electing climate-conscious officials, using social media activism, and even suing corporations or governments. Protests, education campaigns, and small lifestyle changes like recycling are other ways young people are taking action. There's some frustration among young people that adults aren't doing more, while others believe collaboration between the generations is key.

Claimed: Fletcher

The article discusses Margolin's background and how she became involved in climate activism. Margolin grew up and lives in Seattle, Washington. She co-founded Zero Hour, a youth-led organization that advocates for climate action. The article also explores the emotional toll that climate activism can take on young people. Margolin has spoken openly about her struggles with anxiety and depression. The article concludes by looking at the future of climate activism. Margolin believes that young people have a unique role to play in combating climate change. She is hopeful that the climate movement can make a difference.

This is an article about how teens learn about climate change. Social media is a big source of information for teens, but it can also be misleading. Schools can help teens judge information online by teaching them media literacy skills. Even though social media is a big source of info for teens, most teens still believe climate change is happening.

This is an article about teenagers working to address climate change. It discusses two main ways teens are involved. Some teens are inventing solutions like a ship to clean plastic from the ocean. Others are calling on businesses to change their practices. Many teens believe businesses should be more sustainable.

Claimed: Nathan

This is an article about teens coping with climate change anxiety. It discusses how many teens feel anxious about climate change and the environment. They worry about the future of the planet. A survey showed many teens feel hopeless. The article also has tips for teens on how to deal with these feelings. Some ways to cope include talking to a friend or family member you trust, getting outside in nature, and joining a group working on climate change in your community.

This is an article about kids suing governments about climate change. It discusses young people around the world who are taking legal action to force governments to take action on climate change. They argue that governments are responsible for protecting their right to a healthy environment. In some cases, they have won lawsuits. This article also discusses the challenges of these lawsuits.

The article talks about kids suing governments around the world to take action on climate change. These young people believe governments should do more to protect the environment. They are taking legal action to force governments to make changes. In some cases, they have even won these lawsuits! Even if they don't win, these lawsuits bring more attention to climate change, which is a good thing.

This is an article about learning about climate change in schools in the United States. Learning about climate change is important, but it can be tricky to teach. Not all states have guidelines for teaching climate change in schools. However, some states are working on making climate change education better. There are also resources to help teachers teach climate change to students.

Claimed: Arie

This is an article about kids coping with climate change. It talks about how many young people are worried about climate change. The article offers advice from kids on how to deal with these feelings. Some ways to cope include talking to a friend or family member you trust, getting outside in nature, and joining a group working on climate change in your community.

The article says that many teens are aware of climate change and believe it's real. They also want to learn more about it in school. Even though many teens know climate change is happening, some have misconceptions about what causes it. For instance, some teens think the hole in the ozone layer is a major cause of climate change, but that's not quite true. This article says schools can play an important role in helping teens learn more about climate change.

Claimed: Izzy

The article talks about young people and climate change. It says that young people are being affected by climate change and are worried about what the future holds. The article also has tips for young people on how to get involved in climate activism. Some ways young people can make a difference include speaking up about climate change, getting involved in local politics, and using their interests and skills to fight climate change.

This is an article about climate anxiety in children and young people. It discusses their feelings and beliefs about climate change, and how they perceive government responses. Many young people around the world are worried, anxious, angry, and feel helpless about climate change. They report that it negatively affects their daily lives. They believe governments are not doing enough and feel betrayed by their inaction. This could have negative consequences for their mental health.
Claimed: Cara

This is a cool article that looks back at some of the important things that happened for the environment in 2023. There were some big international agreements to reduce pollution from chemicals and plastic. Countries are also working together to better manage trash and take care of freshwater sources. That's good news for our planet's health! The article also talks about the ozone layer, which is a protective shield around Earth. Thanks to the reduced use of harmful chemicals, the ozone layer is healing. There were also efforts to fight climate change, by working to use less oil, gas, and coal.

Claimed: Venkat

This is an article about young people taking legal action against governments. They believe governments are not doing enough to fight climate change. Climate change can harm people's health and ability to live safely. The young people are suing governments in a European court. If they win, governments may have to take stronger action to reduce pollution.

This is an article about teenagers taking action to fight climate change. More and more high school students are worried about climate change and are working to make a difference. The article talks about Shiva Rajbhandari, a 17-year-old activist from Idaho. Shiva convinced his city council to switch to using only clean energy by 2035. Now he's trying to get a student position on a state commission and a seat on his school board. Other activists are working on similar projects in their communities too. The article also mentions a lawsuit against a government agency filed by a group of young people.

This is an article about young people who are fighting climate change. Climate change is a big problem that affects young people all over the world. The article features young activists from different places who are working to make a positive change. They care about issues like not having enough clean water, forests being cut down, and strong storms. These young people believe it's important to take action now to slow down climate change.


This is an article about how climate change is making it harder for kids to go to school, especially girls. When there are floods, droughts, or other extreme weather events, poor families are hit the hardest. This can make it hard for kids to get enough to eat, which can hurt their brains and make it harder for them to learn. Girls are also more likely to have to stay home to help their families during these times, which means they miss out on school. The article says more research is needed to figure out how to help kids get an education even when climate change makes things difficult.

Claimed: Alya-Conrad

This article talks about climate change, and even though it's a big problem, there's some good news too! Scientists around the world are working on solutions to fight climate change. They're finding ways to use less energy, capture harmful gasses from the atmosphere, and even create new sources of clean energy. There are also ways we can help! Planting trees, reducing waste, and using less energy at home are all ways we can be part of the solution. Even though climate change is a big issue, there are lots of people working on ways to solve it, and that's a positive step!


The article talks about some good news regarding climate change. It discusses ways people around the world are working to address climate change and some positive results they're seeing. Many solutions are being worked on, including planting trees, developing new ways to grow food, and protecting animals. Even small actions we take can make a big difference!

The article says that a study was done to see how much American teens know about climate change. The study found that teens don't know as much as grown-ups. They are less likely to believe it's happening and why. But, teens are more hopeful about fixing it than grown-ups. They believe that using sources of energy that don't run out, like solar or wind power, will help solve climate change. The article ends by saying that everyone should learn more about climate change.
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