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Book Riot 2023 Read Harder Challenge

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Read Harder Challenge 2023

Use this doc to run a book bingo challenge with friends and family


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Click on the “Submit Entry” button when you finish reading a book that completes the challenge. There will be an “✖️” on the challenges you have not completed and a “✅” on the challenges you have completed. You may read one book per task, or do some multi-tasking by counting one book for multiple tasks.
You get a BINGO if you complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line, and you get a blackout if you complete all 25 squares!
Check out the books you’ve read in , and check out the books that others have read in !
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2023 Read Harder Challenge

These prompts are from the .
You can find additional book suggestions in the group.
Complete more challenges to get bingo! 🙌
Bingo Card
Read a novel about a trans character written by a trans author.
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Read a graphic novel/comic/manga if you haven’t before; or read one that is a different genre than you normally read.
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Read an independently published book by a BIPOC author.
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Read a book of short stories.
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Read any book from the Ignyte awards shortlist/longlist/winner list.
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Read a book you know nothing about based solely on the cover.
Lola Tseudonym
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Read a romance with bisexual representation.
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Read a YA book by an Indigenous author.
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Read a comic or graphic novel that features disability representation.
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Read a nonfiction book about intersectional feminism.
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Read one of your favorite author’s favorite books.
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Read a cookbook cover to cover.
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Read any book.
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Read a nonfiction book about BIPOC and/or queer history.
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Read an author local to you.
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Read a book with under 500 Goodreads ratings.
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Read a historical fiction book set in an Eastern country.
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Read a book of poetry by a BIPOC or queer author.
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Read a social horror, mystery, or thriller novel.
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Lola Tseudonym
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Read a book about activism.
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Read a book that’s been challenged recently in your school district/library OR read one of the most-challenged/banned books of the year by a queer and/or BIPOC author.
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Read a completed webcomic.
Adam Davis
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Finish a book you’ve DNFed (did not finish).
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Listen to an audiobook performed by a person of color of a book written by an author of color.
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