Kit should be of knowing/ acting or taking actions / Playing. All together Learning Joyfully.
Video link Contains : what is Symmetry? Some Examples of Human faces/animals/ objects with paper, pen, Scissors, Ink etc.
There are some Different types of Symmetry Such as Mirror Symmetry, Rotational Symmetry, Translational Symmetry, Mirror- Rotational Symmetry, Glide Plane of Symmetry, Transversal Symmetry Etc.
KIT : Should contains the Objects which be both Teacher and Student Centric.
Could have Readability, Building kind of thing, Playable, Sharing, Try to Teach others, Tell the Story, Experiment, Quiz.
Cost Estimation : Should be within 500/- to 1000/-
Some kind of Examples what we have thought is : Ink Blot Technique with Symmetry, Paper Cutting with Symmetry, Playing with the mirrors, Kaleidoscope.
January 5, 2022
January 6, 2022
Gathered the information about the Symmetry through Internet, Reading the Book Mentioned Below.
“ Symmetrical World” by L.Tarasov
January 7, 2022
Started with ‘Origami/ paper fold’ with 10 Objects to Explore Symmetry in it.
Took the A4 Sheet and Cut to the Center and made Square out of it. Started Folding through the Center.
Explored Different types of Objects with the some grid formation resembling Symmetry in it.
My learnings :
With the same grid Structure and added folds, I could able to make out easily 10 objects.
Mirror Symmetry can be easily understandable.
Able to count the Number of triangles and squares.
January 9, 2022
Did 10 more objects to further Explorations to Symmetry.
My learnings :
Able to figure out two Fold Axis of Symmetry.
with the same unfolded grid I could able to make cut small portion of one of the axis and able to obtain new origami models which are symmetrical in nature.
January 10, 2022
could able to make out 10 more with Different Color with Different explorations in origami.
January 11, 2022
Mock ups
Totally made 50 Prototypes which resembles the Symmetry Concept.
My learnings :
Could able increase my Skills of Folding the Paper much faster with perfection.
introduced to 3 Dimension Concept with Symmetrical resemblance.
January 17, 2022
Started with ‘Paper Cutting Exercise’ to Explore more about Symmetry.
Iteration 1
took A4 Sheets and cut them into squares and started to make some shapes out of it by cutting one side of the folded sheet.
Iteration 2
Started to make Different faces out of square sheets.
Iteration 3
My Learnings from Iteration 3
Able to understand about 2 fold axis of Symmetry and 3 fold Symmetry.
Make out Different patterns out of 2 and 3 fold axis of Symmetry from sheets.
Exploration :
while doing some iterations, with the repetition of folding the sheets, Slowly started to cut only the lines which I have made as outlines.
My Learnings from Exploration :
When I started folding the sheets from the cut surfaces, able to make out ‘Translational Symmetry’ out of above image. 1st and 2nd one will resemble Translational symmetry and 3rd one will resemble mirror symmetry.
By paper folding and cutting we can get to know Different kinds of Symmetry concepts.
February 1, 2022
Started with “Ink blot exercise”.
took small sheets and with the help of Syringe, needle, paint brush and Ink to explore further in symmetry.
Started with “Mirror ramp exercise”.
Took two mirrors and stick them. Then I took the plain paper and placed the mirrors perpendicular to each other on it. Started to draw one by one.
“Symmetry Skit”.
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