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There is a lot of material going around regarding SVB, but Kauffman Fellows will be creating an ongoing list of resources we’re finding mosst helpful.

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Compilations of Resources
SVB Updates + What to do if you’re affected -
Sifted’s list of for founders
Access to Capital/Credit
Brex is offering an line for SVB customers to meet their operational spending needs.
Debite is setting up an for founders affected by SVB to meet their payroll and urgent requirements early next week in the UK.
Arc is offering
List of
Fellows providing access to non-dilutive capital: Novel Capital co-founders Keith Harrington (Class 20) and Carlos Antequera (Class 23) have $115M in non-dilutive capital to provide to tech companies. Companies seeking non-dilutive capital of up to 40% of their revenue can register through the link below. They will receive a funding estimate within 24 hours. Feel free to reach out to Keith Harrington () with any questions.

Advice + Other Support
VM Cloud is offering an analysis of . Fee is waived for startups impacted by SVB.
How To For Lost Funds
Free by Pioneer Mind

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