Fewer meetings, more milestones.

Fewer meetings, more milestones.

Six ways to give meetings a makeover, with the help of Coda AI.
We’ve all been there. Somehow it’s already Friday and you’re trying to figure out exactly what you accomplished this week, other than an ongoing treadmill of calendar invites. When your to-do list and your schedule feel like enemies, Coda AI can help. With Coda AI, have focused, agenda-driven discussions and synthesize feedback on the spot. AI-generated writeups ensure the discussion doesn’t get repeated, and hold everyone accountable.
My calendar is completely out of control.
✂️ Cut the follow-up meetings.
Many of my meetings are unproductive.
🏃 Get to your goals, faster.
I spend hours on follow-ups, after each meeting.
🔄 Put next steps on auto-pilot.
I feel bored during and exhausted after each meeting.
💬 Drive meaningful engagement.

We’ve put together six templates your team can use to get to your goals faster, and have fewer meetings.

Ready to use these templates for your team?

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Want to see these templates in action?


Six templates with Coda AI to give your meetings a makeover.

1. : Personalize your progress with AI-generated summaries and action items.

2. : AI-generated emails based on your call notes.

3. : AI summaries and next steps, that you can send to Slack from Coda.

4. : AI drafted insights to focus your meeting.

5. : Draft your goals with the push of a button.

6. : Capture group insights easily.

Explore and copy the templates below for your next meeting.

: Personalize your progress.

AI-generated summaries and action items that can help you keep track of what was covered and determine next steps.
Copy this template
Group 126 (2).png

AI can also answer questions about your notes, or what topics to discuss.
Group 132 (1).png

: Instant email drafts.

Take notes, then AI will generate a follow-up email to send from Coda, so you can follow-up faster, and focus on your goals.
Copy this template
Coda AI follow up emails.gif

: Sync your team instantly.

Iron out discussion topics, then send AI-generated summaries to the team, so you can keep your team in sync with each decision.
Copy this template
Group 133 (1).png

: Action-oriented reflection.

Share opinions and key takeaways, and have AI draft your key insights to guide the discussion.
Copy this template
Reflections gif.gif

: Shape your success, together.

Each team member weighs in (live or async) and then AI puts together an initial set of goals. So instead of separate meetings to collect feedback, discuss, and draft goals—you can accomplish this in just one.
Copy this template
Draft goals.gif

: Capture group insights.

With voting buttons and AI to capture next steps, this template makes sure every person’s feedback gets included.
Copy this template

Ready to see these templates in action?

You’re invited to an interactive session that can actually help clear your calendar. Codans Katy and Kay will show how Coda AI can accomplish your meeting goals and set next steps to autopilot. With these ideas and tips for your team, “let’s schedule a follow-up” will soon become “let’s end early.” 🏆

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