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Getting started

Some things you should know before exploring your published doc statistics.
You’ve already published a doc; the hard part is done. Now you get to watch your ideas spread. But this isn’t your typical dashboard. It’s a doc—your doc—that lives in your , and you can customize it as you like.

Here are a few steps we recommend as you start to make yourself at home:

Make the doc personal. Give it a new name and icon, and star it so that you can find it quickly.
Adjust the date range for your stats (defaults to last 90 days).
> Click the table > Options > Coda Doc Analytics (top option) > Date Range
Note: Data is updated daily, not in real time.
Familiarize yourself with the .

What else is in this doc?

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.