Course Creation
Template Overview

Module Template

Module Details
Module Name:
• What is the name of this module?
• Briefly describe what this module is about.
• What should participants achieve by the end of this module?
Outcome 1:
Outcome 2:
Outcome 3:
• (Add more outcomes as needed)
Chatbot Interactions
• List and describe the chatbot messages for this module.
Message 1:
• Content of Message 1.
Message 2:
• Content of Message 2.
Message 3:
• Content of Message 3.
• (Add more messages as needed)

• List and describe the tasks for this module.
Task 1:
• Brief description of Task 1.
Task 2:
• Brief description of Task 2.
• (Add more tasks as needed)
• List and describe the quizzes for this module.
Quiz 1:
• Brief description of Quiz 1.
Quiz 2:
• Brief description of Quiz 2.
• (Add more quizzes as needed)
Practical Applications:
• List and describe any practical applications or activities for this module.
Application 1:
• Brief description of Application 1.
Application 2:
• Brief description of Application 2.
• (Add more applications as needed)
Review and Feedback

Conversational Tone:
• Ensure the chatbot messages are conversational and engaging.
• Review messages to confirm they are conversational.

Decision Trees:
• Describe the text-based decision tree for this module.
• Decision Tree Overview:
• Key Decision Points:
• Outcomes of Each Decision:

Additional Notes

• Any additional notes or considerations for this module.
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