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Stories I Tell Myself
I don’t have time
The Feeling
Buzzing in my head
The Emotion
The Truth
I have all the time I need in small chunks in my day
The Action
Post a story
I’ve talked to everyone I can
The Feeling
Tightness in my chest
The Emotion
The Truth
I can be brave and talk to new people
The Action
Add 3 new friends
I’m not a good Mom if I spend time working
The Feeling
A pit in my stomach
The Emotion
The Truth
It is good to provide for my family
The Action
Set a timer for 5 minutes and write a post
I’ll never make enough
The Feeling
Lump in my throat
The Emotion
The Truth
It’s about the people, not the money. God will provide
The Action
Send a personal message
If I can’t get it all done now, then it’s not worth spending time on it
The Feeling
Heaviness in my limbs
The Emotion
The Truth
Small messy actions produce big results
The Action
Message 5 people

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