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School Approval Process

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How To

Before getting started

Make sure to have admin access on your account
Download the slack mobile app
Download Pangea mobile app
Download GIMP to your computer for photo resizing
Favorite / heart the 400X400 image in your camera roll
400X400 Schools approved.PNG


Export ‘School List’ from Pangea admin panel on mobile
Get csv from your email and have it open on your computer while completing this task
Open up Gimp or whatever image rsizer you like - 400X400
Open up google in one tab - you will likely find the best logos/crests on Wikipedia & facebook


Do not approve
Do not approve fake schools
Do not approve high schools or middle schools
Do not approve approve students with or hotmail .edu/fake edus
Make sure capitalization and spelling of school is correct
Make sure crest / logo is a square image (400X400)
If you make a mistake / see error messages / don’t think something worked right please let Kacie know as soon as possible
Approving a school that is already in our system but has a new domain
you should make sure spelling / capitalization is exactly the same as what we have in school export (even down to spacing)
then you should upload the grey 400X400 (saves time so you don’t need to find other image - don’t use random photos incase there is error and photo could be seen)
when you approve you should get a success popover but you will remain on the scree / it won’t send you back to the pending list
Make sure you are not adding a schools sports team logo - must be a logo or crest for entire school (on google often sports logos come up first)


The longest part of this process will be finding the right image and resizing it
In one hour you should be able to get through anywhere from 30 - 50 schools (avg 45)

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.