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Executive/Assistant Onboarding

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Some tips for onboarding your new assistant:
Providing clear instructions and expectations. Offer both constructive feedback and lots positive reinforcement at the beginning to ensure they are on the right path.
Explain the company’s culture and values upfront.
Teaching them how to use the company’s software and other systems.
Encouraging them to ask questions and seek feedback.
Ensure you explain your expectations and priorities both now, and as they change.

Ensure your EA has a workspace set-up properly:
If you are hiring a remote assistant, make sure you create their email address, provide them with a password, allow them into apps such as Slack, Concur, Zoom, Gusto etc. on (or before) their first day.
Share your calendars and relevant documents, folders, drive information, with them.
Make sure the appropriate paperwork is taken care of, such as NDAs, payroll or other.
Consider utilizing LastPass to share necessary log-ins in a secure manner.

Getting Started:
Put together a shared place of information or work product (we suggest a Coda doc like the templates suggested on this one). This may include things as simple as your DOB and United account number, or as much as your seat preferences, allergies and a list of your current priorities.
Ensure you start slowly delegating tasks and agree on timelines, deadlines or other expectations.
Plan to speak by phone or video 1-2x a week for 5-15 minutes for the first 6 weeks, even if there isn’t much to discuss. Building rapport and a relationship upfront is important. Your assistant will be able to learn more about your personality, style and preferences through these informal conversations.
Be open to sharing lots information - the more your assistant knows about you, your family, communication style, interests, hobbies, passions, tastes, etc. - the better they can function day-to-day.
Remember it takes time to get to know each other and continue to build trust.

Get Personal:
How do you communicate best? When do you need/expect them to overlap with you for meetings or calls? How should you provide feedback? What do you appreciate most? Do you have any pet peeves? What is your superpower as a leader or founder? What excites you about work everyday? Are you particular - what about?
Knowledge is power for your assistant.

If you’d like to use this document to use some of the suggested templates, or build something great yourself - feel free to “copy doc” (top right). Or, start from . We believe a Coda doc is the best way to stay organized and on the same page as your remote/virtual EA, its power goes way beyond Google Docs and can be utilized in a variety of ways. Learn more

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