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AOS2: Creating texts

Area of Study Description

In this area of study, students build on the knowledge and skills developed through Unit 1. They read and engage imaginatively and critically with mentor texts, and effective and cohesive writing within identified contexts. Through close reading, students expand their understanding of the diverse ways that vocabulary, text structures, language features, conventions and ideas can interweave to create compelling texts. They further consider mentor texts through their understanding of the ways that purpose, context (including mode), and specific and situated audiences influence and shape writing.
Students work with mentor texts to inspire their own creative processes, to generate ideas for their writing, and as models for effective writing. They experiment with adaptation and individual creation, and demonstrate insight into ideas and effective writing strategies in their texts. They reflect on the deliberate choices they have made through their writing processes in their commentaries.
On completion of this unit the student should be able to demonstrate effective writing skills by producing their own texts, designed to respond to a specific context and audience to achieve a stated purpose; and to explain their decisions made through writing processes.
To achieve the outcome the student will draw on knowledge and related skills outlined in Area of Study 2.

Key Knowledge

the role of mentor texts as models of effective and cohesive writing
vocabulary, text structures and language features used in effective and cohesive writing
the ways purpose, context (including mode) and audience shape writing
the range of ideas presented in various ways in mentor texts
different language modes and their effects on structure and meaning
the ways the purpose of the author hones the use of language
strategies to generate and develop ideas
writing processes including drafting, refining and considering feedback
the value of collaboration and discussion
standard and non-standard conventions of language, including syntax, punctuation and spelling.

Key Skills

read and explore mentor texts to understand the mechanics of effective and cohesive writing
experiment with vocabulary, text structures and language features for effective and cohesive writing
create texts with a stated purpose (to express, to reflect, to explain or to argue) and an understanding of context (including mode) and audience
select and apply writing processes
generate and use ideas, and discuss, develop and extend ideas
explore and employ voices appropriate to purpose, context (including mode) and audience
experiment with and extend vocabulary for effective and cohesive writing
plan, create, draft, refine and complete individual writing
collaborate and provide feedback in class, including through listening and speaking, with peers and teachers
explain and comment on the vocabulary and text structures. language features, conventions and ideas used in their own writing
reflect on and share the implications of authorial choices in their own writing and the writings of others
apply standard and non-standard conventions of language, including syntax, punctuation, and spelling, where appropriate.

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