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AOS1: Reading and responding to texts

Area of Study Description

In this area of study, students further sharpen their skills of reading and viewing texts, developed in the corresponding area of study in Unit 3. Students consolidate their capacity to critically analyze texts and deepen their understanding of the ideas and values a text can convey.
Students apply reading and viewing strategies to engage with a text, and discuss and analyse the ways authors construct meaning in a text through the presentation of ideas, concerns and conflicts, and the use of vocabulary, text structures and language features. They engage with the dynamics of a text and explore the explicit and implicit ideas and values presented in a text. They recognise and explain the ways the historical context, and social and cultural values can affect a reader, and analyse how these social and cultural values are presented. They establish how these values can influence the way a text is read or viewed, can be understood by different audiences, and can position readers in different ways.
On completion of this unit the student should be able to analyse explicit and implicit ideas, concerns and values presented in a text, informed by vocabulary, text structures and language features and how they make meaning.
To achieve the outcome the student will draw on knowledge and related skills outlined in Area of Study 1.

Key Knowledge

reading and viewing strategies to draw out meanings in a text
the dynamics of a text including characters’ motivations, the tensions in relationships, the function of settings, the complexities of plot and the role of point of view
ideas, concerns and conflicts in a text
vocabulary, text structures and language features in a text used to construct meaning
the historical context, and the social and cultural values in a text
the features of analytical writing in response to a text, including the use of appropriate metalanguage
the conventions of small group and whole class discussion, including ways of developing constructive interactions and building on ideas of others in discussion
comprehension strategies to develop fluent listening
the conventions of discussion and debate
the conventions of syntax, punctuation, and spelling of Standard Australian English.

Key Skills

apply reading and viewing strategies to a text
read and engage with a text for meaning
engage in discussions to clarify, test and extend views about a text
employ appropriate metalanguage
explore and analyze:
the dynamics of a text including characters’ motivations, the tensions in relationships, the function of settings, the complexities of plot and the role of point of view
the ideas, concerns and conflicts in a text
the historical context, and the social and cultural values in a text
explore and analyze the impact of the vocabulary, text structures and language features on a text and how these elements shape meaning
plan, construct and edit analytical writing that:
responds explicitly to set topics
develops and sustains ideas
explores and refines the organizational structures of analytical writing
demonstrates knowledge of a text
uses key evidence from a text to support ideas and analysis
demonstrates understanding of purpose, audience and context
listen to a spoken text relevant to the wider study of a text
apply appropriate listening comprehension strategies to support understanding of a set text through engagement with a spoken, audio or audio visual source, such as:
using prominent textual cues, such as stressed words and discourse markers
drawing from existing knowledge structures to frame, infer and create meaning from spoken texts to develop understanding of the historical context, and the social and cultural values in a text
use the appropriate conventions of syntax, punctuation and spelling of Standard Australian English.

Areas I am weak at:

Active Recall

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