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Buyer Persona Workshop

Buyer Personas

Create fictional representation of the ideal customers, Personas help increase empathy, from a common language and help evaluate ideas.
Internal Interviews
Develop draft personas
Interview Sales Team, Product Team, Reach and Development Team
Background story
Sales qualifiers: persona’s role, key company, industry, etc.
Relevant background info told in a story format
Gender, age range, household income
What are the personas overall goals
Customer Economics
Cost of customer acquisition, life time value, churn rate, average sale, etc.
Common Objectives
Identify the most common objections your persona will raise
External interviews
Create v1.0 and improve over time
Pro Tips
Narrow your personas down to 1 to 3 primary personas.
You can include “sub-personas” within each primary.
Pick the primary personas based on the business impact.
Don’t feel like it has to be perfect before moving forward.
Once created, include the personas as part of the discussion as if they were real people in the meeting.
Buyer Personas
Day In The Life
Biggest Challenges
Example: Web Surfer Tim
Lives his whole life browsing the internet in the search of the perfect product
Finding a company that has the perfect product for him.
Wants to purchase the most awesome product ever.
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