Deadline for workshop RSVPs to give you time to send attendees details.
Automate^ create an auto email in Eventbrite that goes out to accepted attendees.
Buy a clicker
Note: Invite all workshop faciliators to come atleast 1 hour before their workshop. To-do: Have someone execute Streamyard on their laptops. Also making sure they have connections for their laptop to the displays.
Hire someone for Streaming
Hire Chakira’s security
Monday & Tuesday
Technical Walk Through with StreamYard
Send attendees logistics for Friday.
Send sponsor logo.
Buy supplies for ??? (Supply Run)
Create opening ceremony presentation
Wednesday at 12pm
Send the waiver.
Place order for snacks. (Snack Run)
Buy Trifolds (Supply Run)
Buy Giant Post (Supply Run)
Buy Velcro ALL THE VELCROs (Supply Run)
Review “Code of Conduct” and Hacker Experience guide: