Ideas / inspiration

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VR experiences

[Screengrabs are underwhelming - experience in VR is much better]


Impressive, compelling interactive VR experience about a man with schizophrenia.
Good at making you question what reality is by playing with things we see as defining it (gravity stopped, objects breaking up in tiny pieces etc)
Interactions keep you engaged
early interaction where you hover a vertical channel of words to play audio is great for feeling what its like to have voices in your head and being clinically diagnosed
sometimes they are a bit gimmicky / don’t express much to do with the narrative or how Goliath feels (e.g. turning mixer knob to show love heart smileys)
2D arcade game surprisingly compelling
Aesthetics suited video game / techno and possibly mental health conditions, also played to strength of VR (it can handle those kinds of graphics well).
Heavy usage of interesting neon shader effects on simple meshes. Contrasts with a photogrammetry style of the reality of going in to “real world”
Really large typography was cool
Sometimes you missed visual/interaction things things but not sure it really mattered (e.g. behind you), the may narrative thread was in the audio
I find the Tilda Swinton voiceover a bit generic VR experience (maybe it was the first to do this kind of thing) and sometimes switched off a bit from it

Notes on blindness


Impressive VR experience that allows the user to understand what it is like to be blind.
Uses audio recordings from John M. Hull that were made as he became blind
Visualises sounds using point-cloud aesthetic, including abstract concepts like seeing with rain and wind
Not loads of interactions but they are used to explain the abstract concepts so work well
Good use of weather as atmosphere
The layers of particles are nice in creating abstract environments
1st person perspective: you are John
How to translate a subjective world: ‘a world beyond sight’? How to unfold it through visual and interaction? ‘an intermittent & fragmented world
a world with a strong sensation of depth and the nature in motion.
The world is drawn with particles. The space is revealed by the wind, the rain or the vibrations of sound through space.
In the epilogue the design rules are broken (colour change and painterly/blurriness instead of particles) to highlight a significant part

The under presents

Strong aesthetic: toon shader with layering and shimmering on surfaces like water
Outdoor scene to begin with is atmospheric and I like the rutted ground (feels like ground is sometimes forgotten in environments?)
Interesting use of controllers as hands that change as you use them and get objects to give you magic powers. The way the hands stretch to reach things is very cool and less jarring than a ray interactor
Interesting (potentially nauseating) locomotion where you pull the world towards you. Suits the surreal experience

Visual inspiration
Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 13.01.56.png

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