User testing

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Initial test

1. Initial test

What is being tested?

Users attention
Users comprehension
User engagement
General observations

Test plan

Basic headset experience of merry-go-round scene: plays voiceover from the video, interspersed with hand tracked interactions that trigger athlete story voiceover.
Intro for user

What is it?

This scene is part of an experience designed to help athletes improve their injury experience from a sports psychology perspective. It details one of the narratives that commonly structures athletes injury experiences
What will happen?
You will hear narrator voiceover that explains the narrative.
When the voiceover audio stops a cube will appear in front of you, if you touch the object it will talk to you.
When that voiceover ends the cube will disappear and the narrator will begin talking about
This cycle repeats through the scene for 5m30s
Start the test
Put headset into unknown sources folder, get user to try out headset and hands tracking, click the RunningInjuryNarrativesInVr text to start the experience
Ask user questions from questionnaire

Test questions

Test notes


Were you able to stay focussed on what the audio was saying?
Was there anything that distracted you?
Was there anything that caught your attention?
Is there anything that would help you stay focussed?
Did the audio seem too long?


What did you understand about the merry-go-round narrative?
What did you find confusing or not understand?


Did you feel empathy or relate to the athlete stories?
Did touching the cube have any effect in how you received the athlete stories?

General observations

Any general observations you would like to make?

Rebecca’s thoughts on User Questions


How easy was it to stay focused on what the audio was saying?
1-Very difficult 2-Somewhat difficult 3-not to difficult 4-easy 5-very easy
Was there anything that distracted you? (If yes, what?)
Was there anything that caught your attention? (if yes, what?)
Would any of the below help you stay focused?
-less audio
-different voice over
-simpler graphics
-clearer instructions
-less interactions
-less things being asked of me
-being in a different real world physical location or position
If any of the above could you please elaborate?
Is there anything else what would help you stay focused?
On a scale of 5 (1 being very short, 5 being too long) can you say how long the experience felt?
1 very short
2 short
3 just right
4 a little long
5 too long


What did you take away from the Merry Go Round Narrative?
How understandable was the narrative to you?
1-not understandable
2- somewhat understandable
3-totally understandable
If something was unclear, could you explain what?
Did you feel empathy or relate to the athlete's stories?
Did touching the cube have any effect on how you received the athlete stories?
If so what?

General observations

Any other observations you would like to mention?

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