Meeting notes

Ciara 5/10/2023

J discussed how got to working on the project. Talked about how the athlete stories and narratives personally resonated, seeing themselves in different aspects of the narratives and it's useful to hear others go through same thing. C said that is good understanding of the narratives as when presenting them often people see it as black and white as getting everyone from merry go round to longevity, when it depends on individual experiences and goals.
Discussed newer voices in sports psychology e.g. Douglas & Carless. The switch from cognitive, single approach to personalised (need to check what name for new approach is). Traditional mindset approach didn't appeal to either of us.
Questions for Ciara
Could the experience work if it only cover 3 narratives (e.g. limit scope due to time restrictions) in principle yes, but needs thought which are most relevant, could interview audience and see which narratives they would most like to hear about
What would success look like for the athlete? What would you want them to understand/feel/change their mind about? Didn't ask this specifically, but goal is for athletes to make sense of what has happened to them and provide a range of narratives available to them
From sports psychology, is it possible/a good idea to ask questions in a questionnaire-style that would uncover which narrative most applies to athlete’s current approach to injury? And suggest them an alternative narrative yes this could work. The risk is being prescriptive, ideally the athlete makes their own narrative so it's personalised to them and they are exposed to range of narratives they have available to them for whatever happens in the future
How much / what kind of involvement would you or other professionals/students like in the project? Useful roles would be providing critical feedback from both sports psychology and athlete perspective and testing prototypes. C agreed to meet once a week 🎉
Is it possible to get access to longer text or audio forms of athlete stories from the research? (explain how it might be used in experience) Forgot to ask, will email
Where did you envisage the fitting in to athlete/coaches lives? I’m trying to figure out where this VR experience might fit into their lives. C is currently presenting to groups of athletes (assume workshop format), said participants verbally responding was important. Also athletes are seeking out psychological help with injury, but currently just finding NHS resources which are not that useful . C said they are thinking about a mobile app. J wondering if standalone headset app is best as most distributable
Talked about different user journeys for the experience. C said it could work showing headline information about each narrative (athletes found infographics of narratives easy to understand) then allowing athletes to explore a narrative to applies to them. C also said ideally the user would be able to talk about their experiences in relation to the narratives . It could work as a consultation / questionnaire but risks of prescribing / not seeing all narratives

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