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Database of original and refined needs

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So that
Unique ID
User type
As a
Who is
I need
Acceptance criteria 1
Category user need
Journey stage
Joined user needs
Research that produced this
Success impacts
Failure impacts
Success measures
I can easily show and share my research with others
User researcher
User researcher
working in government
to be able to add my research to the library when I can't use GSuite
Another way users can add research that X% organisations from LocalGovDigital can access successfully add research
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to find relevant research so that I can easily share research
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
working in government
I need to to be able to add my research to the library when I can't use GSuite so that I can easily show and share my research with others
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to find research added by my organisation
Needs to: a) visually be clearer on front end on a project is from a particular organisation b) you can filter search all the research in the front end to just show research from a particular organisation. Also, a unique URL should be generated so this filtered research can easily be shared.
Navigation (front)
Navigation (front)
As a user researcher I need to be able to find relevant research so that I can easily share research
Searching for projects
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to find research added by my organisation so that I can easily show and share my research with others
Hackney Library project
others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
User researcher
Lead user researcher
working in government
to promote a culture where research is added during a project
We have at least 2 other organisations uploading some documentation from a project phase
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Working culture
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
working in government
I need to to promote a culture where research is added during a project so that others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
help to name my projects in a clear, consistent way
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to help to name my projects in a clear, consistent way so that others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
help to understand what would be useful to add to the library
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Library management
As a
User researcher
I need to help to understand what would be useful to add to the library so that others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
help categorising the research I add
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to help categorising the research I add so that others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to get some consistency in our research documents
Culture - creating 'templates' as part of How to HackIT
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to get some consistency in our research documents so that others can easily find relevant projects when looking for research in a timely manner
Hackney Library project
I can quickly and easily make updates to records
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
have an easy, clear and fast way to add research
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to have an easy, clear and fast way to add research so that I can quickly and easily make updates to records
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
to be able to edit and remove projects I've worked on
EPIC - to break down?
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Editing records
As a
User researcher
I need to to be able to edit and remove projects I've worked on so that I can quickly and easily make updates to records
Hackney Library project
Member of the public
Library visitor
to be able to switch between multiple projects quickly
If more than 10 projects displayed, get a 'Next' button but this goes to a 404. Do we need to reduce the number of projects on screen before a 'Next' button is displayed?
Navigation (front)
Navigation (front)
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
Library visitor
I need to to be able to switch between multiple projects quickly so that I can quickly and easily make updates to records
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
to be able to quickly find a particular project in the back end
Navigation (back)
Navigation (back)
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Searching for projects
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to to be able to quickly find a particular project in the back end so that I can quickly and easily make updates to records
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
at Hackney
to be able to have access to every project added to the library
Master users - how many do we have? If other sectors use it, do they need these too? Having just one feels like it could be risky and potentially a lot of librarian work.
Navigation (back)
Navigation (back)
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Editing records
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
at Hackney
I need to to be able to have access to every project added to the library so that I can quickly and easily make updates to records
Hackney Library project
I don't have to wait for someone to add my team's work for me
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
to be able to add research myself
Part of epic
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to update research myself so that I don't have to waste time waiting for others to do so
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to to be able to add research myself so that I don't have to wait for someone to add my team's work for me
Hackney Library project
I can access the back end of the library
User researcher
User researcher
to be able to easily register myself
EPIC - to break down? Is the user here just user researchers or do we want related roles to be register? If so could say, "As a contributer to research..."
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to be able to easily register, login and use the back and front end of the system so that I can access and use the system easily
As a
User researcher
I need to to be able to easily register myself so that I can access the back end of the library
Hackney Library project
I don't make a mistake that is seen publically
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
to make sure I accurately spell my library content
Adding research
Adding research
As a user researcher I need to make sure my content is correct so that I don't display errors to other users
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to to make sure I accurately spell my library content so that I don't make a mistake that is seen publically
Hackney Library project
I only see relevant projects
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to make sure that all projects from my organisation are kept up to date
EPIC - to break down?
As as a user researcher I need to only see relevant projects so that I quickly and easily use the system
Editing records
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to make sure that all projects from my organisation are kept up to date so that I only see relevant projects
Hackney Library project
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
to only see projects that my organisation have added in the back end
Navigation (back)
Navigation (back)
As as a user researcher I need to only see relevant projects so that I quickly and easily use the system
Searching for projects
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to to only see projects that my organisation have added in the back end so that I only see relevant projects
Hackney Library project
I can assess the service fairly against the standard
Standard assessor
Service standard assessor
in government
to see clearly the research conducted by a particular project
Want to see the journey a project has gone through. Seeing the journey the research could benefit every library visitor not just service assessor. So I wonder if we could add another one about explaining the journey as it will help to build trust and understanding. I like the idea of a paragraph telling the story of the research as shown on this blog post
Navigation (front)
Navigation (front)
As a Service standard assessor who is in government I need to see clearly the research conducted by a particular project so that I can assess the service fairly against the standard
As a
Service standard assessor
who is
in government
I need to to see clearly the research conducted by a particular project so that I can assess the service fairly against the standard
Hackney Library project
I haven't got to log out of the back end to get to the front end
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
to be able to switch between the front and back end screen easily
Navigation (back)
Navigation (back)
As a user researcher I need to be able to easily register, login and use the back and front end of the system so that I can access and use the system easily
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to to be able to switch between the front and back end screen easily so that I haven't got to log out of the back end to get to the front end
Hackney Library project
we keep a record of all research internally without making some personally identifable research public
User researcher
User researcher
to add insight to the library that only certain users in my organisation can see
to break down?
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Library management
As a
User researcher
I need to to add insight to the library that only certain users in my organisation can see so that we keep a record of all research internally without making some personally identifable research public
Hackney Library project
I know not to add sensitive information to that document
Project team member
Project team member
to know which files on GSuite are shared on the library and publically available
Culture - how we structure team drives
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Adding research
As a
Project team member
I need to to know which files on GSuite are shared on the library and publically available so that I know not to add sensitive information to that document
Hackney Library project
I feel confident I'm doing the right thing and continue to use the library
User researcher
User researcher
with a login
reassurance that I can add certain information to the library
EPIC - to break down?
As a user researcher I need to be feel confident in using the library so that I continue to use it
As a
User researcher
who is
with a login
I need to reassurance that I can add certain information to the library so that I feel confident I'm doing the right thing and continue to use the library
Hackney Library project
we can avoid sensitive information being made publically available
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to be confident that my team have added the 'right' information to the library
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to be confident that my team have added the 'right' information to the library so that we can avoid sensitive information being made publically available
Hackney Library project
we have a clear line on the intellectual property and attribution of research
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to make it clear how research in the library can be used
As a Lead user researcher I need to make it clear how research in the library can be used so that we have a clear line on the intellectual property and attribution of research
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to make it clear how research in the library can be used so that we have a clear line on the intellectual property and attribution of research
Hackney Library project
we look after participant data and can easily remove data on request
User researcher
Lead user researcher
at Hackney
to make sure all project teams manage consent forms correctly
Culture - how we structure team drives
Participant data
Participant data
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
at Hackney
I need to to make sure all project teams manage consent forms correctly so that we look after participant data and can easily remove data on request
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
at Hackney
to make sure all project teams delete identifable participant data at the right time
Culture - how we structure team drives
Participant data
Participant data
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
at Hackney
I need to to make sure all project teams delete identifable participant data at the right time so that we look after participant data and can easily remove data on request
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
at Hackney
to make sure only certain people in project teams have access to participant data
Culture - how we structure team drives (Only researchers have access to that data)
Participant data
Participant data
As a project member I need to ensure that user data is only added appropriately and destroyed when no longer need so that I keep user data secure
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
at Hackney
I need to to make sure only certain people in project teams have access to participant data so that we look after participant data and can easily remove data on request
Hackney Library project
it saves me time filling in the library and library visitors can see everything about a project
User researcher
User researcher
with a project on Pipeline
to be able to quickly create a project on the library and link it to Pipeline
Helps populate library project from information in Pipeline and can easily show link between Pipeline and library project for website visitor
As a user researcher I need to be able to quickly and easily add and edit research so that I can quickly and easily update records
Adding research
As a
User researcher
who is
with a project on Pipeline
I need to to be able to quickly create a project on the library and link it to Pipeline so that it saves me time filling in the library and library visitors can see everything about a project
Hackney Library project
I know what they are interested in and can promote that further
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to be able to see what library visitors are looking at
Need to have basic analytics on what Project, collection, doc and doc types are being viewed, when and through what device/browser
As a user researcher responsible for the system I need to know what library visitors are interested in so that I can ensure it best meets user needs
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to be able to see what library visitors are looking at so that I know what they are interested in and can promote that further
Hackney Library project
we can share best practice and demonstrate the value of the library
User researcher
Lead user researcher
to know how others have used research in the library
As a user researcher responsible for the system I need to know what library visitors are interested in so that I can ensure it best meets user needs
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
I need to to know how others have used research in the library so that we can share best practice and demonstrate the value of the library
Hackney Library project
it continues to be improved and meets my needs
Member of the public
Library visitor
a clear way that I can give feedback about the library
As a user researcher responsible for the system I need to know what library visitors are interested in so that I can ensure it best meets user needs
Library management
As a
Library visitor
I need to a clear way that I can give feedback about the library so that it continues to be improved and meets my needs
Hackney Library project
User researcher
Lead user researcher
at Hackney
a clear way that I can collate and visualise feedback from libray visitors
As a user researcher responsible for the system I need to know what library visitors are interested in so that I can ensure it best meets user needs
Library management
As a
Lead user researcher
who is
at Hackney
I need to a clear way that I can collate and visualise feedback from libray visitors so that it continues to be improved and meets my needs
Hackney Library project
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