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Trigger Github Action Pack

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Trigger Github Action Pack

A Coda Pack that adds the ability to fire a Github Action from any Coda Action (button press, automation, etc.).

Setting Up

It takes a couple pieces to get this working, but it'll totally be worth it.

Github Side

First, configure your workflow to be able to be triggered by an external event.
Then, create a Personal Access Token (PAT).

Github Action

Add a repository_dispatch with a corresponding event_type. You'll configure the event on the Coda side once you install the pack. All workflows with the same event_type can trigger from the same Coda Action!
Here's an example:
## my-workflow.yml

types: [coda-action]

Personal Access Token

Ensure to include the repo scope.
Set the expiration to something reasonable.
Pro tip: set a calendar reminder a few days in advance so you don't forget to refresh it!
Store it someplace safe so you can get back to it. Github won't show it to you again after it shows it to you once!

Coda Side

Create a button
Choose the "Trigger Github Action" Pack
Choose "Set up another account", and paste your PAT (from above) into the box.
Depending on your security needs, choose the appropriate answer for you
(Recommended: “Anyone this doc is shared with” - this way no one else will need to set up the PAT). But, again, depends on your needs:
Configure the repository and dispatch settings
repo_with_owner- should be something likeyour_github_username/name_of_your_repo
event- should correspond to the values used in thetypeselement of yourrepository_dispatchtrigger above.
Remember: This will trigger all workflows on the repository that have a matchingrepository_dispatchevent type.
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