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DFW Properties Foreclosure Property Home Equity Structure
DFW Properties - Foreclosure Specialists


DFW Properties has assisted in the purchase of hundreds of foreclosed homes in Texas. Our experience and processes have enabled us to successfully identify, research, analyze and assist with the purchase of foreclosed homes sold to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday of each month on the courthouse steps of every county in Texas.

In 2001, DFW Properties partnered with a handful of investors, starting with under $300,000. These investors have sold many of the homes purchases, and still hold portfolios of over $35,000,000

DFW Properties is implementing a "home equity exchange" in which residential properties sell "shares" of the value of their properties to investors, who get and in return.

This home equity exchange, facilitated by DFW Properties LLC . and the newly formed DFW Properties Exchange provides an alternative way for people with money interested in .

With this additional funding, we hope to utilize our expertise to purchase homes throughout the state of Texas. point to the likelihood of continued price appreciation in Texas. Texas has multiple large cities including Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin. Additionally there are many smaller cities and rural areas. The foreclosure laws are the same throughout the state, so the is a low learning cost in regards to expanding to other counties. DFW Properties has bought auction properties in several counties including Dallas, Denton and Tarrant county, and has conducted observations at several others in preparation of expanding our purchasing throughout the state.

Current economic indicators for housing in Texas:


Review & invest in deals
Get annual income & fractional ownership
Build portfolio of passively owned homes
Deal with no hassles; pay no home expenses
Earn income & [appreciation or depreciation]

Key Components
The following are the key components of how investments work:
Other Components
Other components we hope you'll take some time to understand:

Commonly Asked Questions
11. Comparison to Alternatives
a. For Property Owners
b. For Investors
12. Frequently Asked Questions

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