This Week

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Hands On : Bird Behavior Observations

June 8 - 12
Learn about bird behaviors by watching the birds in your yard or local park

For each behavior you see, ask yourself:

Were birds born with this behavior or did they learn it? Could they learn a different way to act?


Paper and pecil to record or draw what you see
Food for birds (old bread, seeds, or pieces of fruit


You can see so many different animal behaviors when you watch birds! Putting some food out can help attract birds so you can see their many behaviors. This is also a great activity if you already have the bird feeder that you built. Below are a few questions you might investigate.
Pick one to focus on or think of your own bird behavior question:
Which birds prefer to eat from the ground?
Which birds usually get to the food first?
What do other birds do when bigger birds arrive?
Do any birds fight for food?
Do some birds arrive and eat with a group of other birds? Do some birds arrive and eat alone?


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