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Coda Packathon: Welcome partners!
Coda Packathon 2022

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What is the Coda Packathon?

The Coda Packathon is a virtual challenge that gives Pack makers the competitive space to rethink the boundaries of Coda docs by building Packs. Participants can build and submit Packs as a part of the Packathon to be reviewed by a panel of judges. Winners will receive cash prizes at the end of the Coda Packathon.

I use Coda today. Can I participate?

Absolutely. All are welcome. Whether you’re new to Coda or have been using us since we were in stealth, you’re welcome to join the Coda Packathon and submit your Pack.
If you’re a seasoned user of Coda or the Pack Studio, be sure to welcome new makers into in the and help them along as they make their first Pack.

Do I need to be on a paid plan to participate?

Nope! You can participate in the Packathon without cost. Free plans are limited to 1,000 rows and 50 objects on docs, but we do not expect you will run into those limits. You can build in the Pack Studio and create docs to demonstrate your Pack on the free pricing plan. There’s no expectation to upgrade in order to participate.
If you need tips to keep your doc size on the free plan, check out this For questions, please reach out to

What do I need to submit?

A link to a Coda doc, with the Pack installed, that demonstrates how the Pack can be used. The doc must be shared with the settings “Anyone with the link” = “Can view”.
Include a video (about 3 minutes) that demonstrates your submission. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or Loom and made public.
Provide a URL to your code repository for judging and testing. If you developed your Pack in the online Pack Studio, share a link to a containing your code.

How will submissions be judged?

Our panel of judges (we’ll reveal more soon) will score each Pack based on our, equally weighted criteria.
Potential impact
How useful would the Pack be to Coda makers and teams?
How many new scenarios does it unlock in Coda?
Design and features
Is the user experience and design of the project well thought out?
Have you taken advantage of relevant features of the platform to make your Pack more useful?
How well have you adhered to our ?
Caliber of demonstration
How well do you demonstrate the value of the Pack?
Is the demo doc well designed and visually interesting?
Quality of idea
How creative and unique is the project?
There are no rows in this table

Who is Devpost?

We’re partnering with Devpost to put on this virtual hackathon. Devpost’s mission is to inspire developers to build great software. They’re creating a world where every developer who wants to improve their craft, or be inspired to build, comes to Devpost for that inspiration. To that end, Devpost power most of the world’s software competitions (hackathons) on their platform.
You can learn more about Devpost at .

Can I sell my Pack?

Yes...but not yet. Soon Pack makers will be able to sell their Packs via subscription through the . We are currently testing this feature and hope to launch it this summer.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.