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Resource Hub

HYCU for your customers

Okta Ultimate
+drives consumption to cloud

DevOps Tool chain
+configs - IaC, source code, workflows
(github, terraform, CircleCI)

PM Protection Package
-Asana, Atlassian, ClickUp, Notion, Wrike

Generative AI
-pinecone, cloudsql, RDS, BigQuery, cloud run, alloyDB, dynamoDB, Lambda, Firestore

Lift & shift data center budget
-license onprem free through marketplace for equal cloud/saas volume - get paid on consumption
-example with 500VMs on prem

VMs where?
-help vmware customers move away from VMware to AWS, GCP
-or lift & shift

Cross Cloud Segmentation
-isolate production and backups - gcp ←→ aws


Tamr win flash - AI
Do Forms win flash - drive consumption
Genesis Healthcare - GCVE
MLB - Modernize, lift/transform + consolidate

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