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fanduel / betfair

### FanDuel's Adoption of AWS

FanDuel, a sports gaming company in the United States, leveraged Amazon Web Services (AWS) to migrate its business operations to the cloud. Despite initial internal projections estimating the migration would take about 6 months, the entire process was completed in less than 3 weeks. FanDuel employed AWS Elemental MediaConnect for live video transmission and AWS Elemental MediaLive for live video processing to create high-quality video streams for delivery through various devices. AWS Elemental MediaPackage was used to prepare and protect videos for delivery over the internet, and Amazon CloudFront facilitated efficient content delivery to applications. FanDuel has reported improved customer experience and enhanced security, with zero outages since the migration. The ability to operate more efficiently with AWS has led to enhanced collaboration between cross-functional teams that previously worked in silos, which has been a key factor in stimulating the company's scaling efforts [FanDuel Migrates to AWS in Less than 3 Weeks, Improves ...](

### FanDuel and AWS Outposts

FanDuel Group has standardised on AWS Outposts for both its cloud and on-premises operations, which allowed the company to quickly deploy production-ready instances of its sports betting platform while adhering to state regulations on data residency. Through AWS Outposts, FanDuel improved data latency between applications and enjoyed 30-40 percent performance improvements, creating a more efficient user experience. This allowed FanDuel to expand its business and shorten time to market, showing the power of cloud adaptability in the rapidly-regulating US sports betting market [FanDuel Video Testimonial | AWS Outposts](

### FanDuel and Nomad Media

FanDuel Group also collaborated with Nomad Media, harnessing AWS services to improve its over-the-top (OTT) content management and live streaming systems. This partnership helped FanDuel reduce the time needed to push new features to market and enabled global content organization and streaming. Using AWS Regions for signal acquisition and AWS Elemental services for content management, FanDuel managed to improve content delivery, search, and asset management through the Nomad Media Platform [Nomad Media Live Streaming | FanDuel Case Study](

### Couchbase and Paddy Power Betfair

While the query asked for public cloud or SaaS implementations for FanDuel or Betfair, it’s worth noting that Paddy Power Betfair (before merging with FanDuel) chose Couchbase to manage volatile datasets and maintain high performance for real-time betting. The Couchbase database platform helped the company to process over 500,000 events every 3 minutes and supported over 1 million transactions per second, showcasing the advantages of adopting a flexible non-relational database technology in the betting sector [Paddy Power Betfair: Easy-to-Manage Performance ...](

### Conclusion

FanDuel's use of AWS demonstrates how cloud services can greatly enhance performance, security, and time-to-market capabilities. While Betfair doesn't have a directly listed case study similar to FanDuel's AWS adoption, it is part of the same group and benefits from the overall technological advancements and infrastructure enhancements that are facilitated by cloud services like AWS [FanDuel Migrates to AWS in Less than 3 Weeks, Improves ...]( [FanDuel Video Testimonial | AWS Outposts]( [Nomad Media Live Streaming | FanDuel Case Study]( [Paddy Power Betfair: Easy-to-Manage Performance ...](

When companies like FanDuel and Betfair consider migrating to public cloud or Software as a Service (SaaS), they are likely to face multiple challenges. These challenges often encompass a range of technical, operational, and strategic issues that need careful planning and execution to mitigate.

### Complexity and Performance Issues

Migrating to the cloud often involves the complexity of replicating a production environment that was previously housed on-premises. Ensuring data integrity and validation is crucial during the transition process and can present significant challenges. After migration, performance bottlenecks may arise due to differing cloud architecture, which may affect the speed and reliability of applications and services that companies like FanDuel and Betfair provide to their users [15 Cloud Migration Challenges to Overcome in 2023](

### Network and Security Concerns

Network and security are top concerns when transitioning to the cloud. Companies have to reconstruct their security policies to fit the cloud environment, which could bring potential vulnerabilities if not managed correctly. They must address issues related to data ownership, liabilities, and privacy and security in the SaaS agreement. Critical considerations include the security of data that is processed, transferred, and stored in the cloud, and shared responsibilities between the vendor and the customer [Moving to a SaaS Business Model? 5 Legal Issues to Consider](

### Resource Management and Cost Efficiency

For example, when FanDuel moved its data orchestration capabilities to Astro, a cloud-based platform, they faced challenges associated with resource management, such as autoscaling to handle growing demands and improving pipeline stability to ensure consistent performance during peak hours. By switching to deferrable operators on the cloud platform, FanDuel was able to reduce its cloud resource usage and infrastructure by 35%, which potentially indicated future cost savings and more efficient operation [Why FanDuel Moved from Open Source Airflow to Astro](

### Strategy and Planning for Cloud Adoption

Migration and modernization in the cloud are strategic processes that involve the rethinking of the enterprise's IT stack. Enterprises must approach the transition with a detailed strategy that takes into account aspects like security compliance, serverless computing, and the modernization of processes, applications, and databases. Of note, is the effective management of change resistance within the organization and ensuring an understanding of the cloud's implications for existing workflows and data management practices [The challenges cloud migration and modernization solve ...](

### Conclusion

For organizations like FanDuel and Betfair, successful migration to public cloud or SaaS will likely be a multifaceted process addressing complex systems integration, performance optimization, network and data security, and a strategic approach to resource management. Implementing a meticulous and informed migration strategy can help overcome these challenges and capitalize on the benefits of the cloud, such as agility, innovation, cost savings, and improved scalability and user experiences.

### FanDuel's Use of GitHub and Terraform

FanDuel, a leading sports gaming company in the US, does indeed utilize GitHub and Terraform within their technological stack. The company has a presence on GitHub with a variety of repositories, demonstrating their active engagement in software development and version control using this platform [FanDuel]( Their repositories cover a range of technologies and programming languages, which indicates a diverse and modern software development practice.
More specifically with regards to Terraform, FanDuel has incorporated this infrastructure as code (IaC) tool to manage their tech stack on AWS. For example, they utilize AWS services such as EC2, EKS, AWS Lambda, and AWS RDS, all of which are managed with Terraform [What's it like being an Engineer at FanDuel?]( This adoption aligns with modern DevOps practices, allowing FanDuel to efficiently manage their cloud infrastructure and streamline deployments.
A Senior DevOps Engineer position at FanDuel also lists experience with Terraform as an essential qualification, further confirming the integration of Terraform in their operations [Senior DevOps Engineer - CPE]( Moreover, the use of Terraform is expanded to other cloud services such as AWS EKS and Kubernetes, showcasing FanDuel’s commitment to using cutting-edge technologies and their reliance on IaC for cloud management [Senior Software Engineer - Java](

### Betfair's Use of GitHub and Terraform

Betfair also has a presence on GitHub, indicating its use for software development and version control. The company's GitHub page contains repositories that are available for public view, demonstrating their use of the platform for various coding projects [Betfair]( These repositories include code snippets in various languages, supporting their API-NG client development and other projects, which indicates Betfair’s engagement with open-source practices and community-driven development.
### FanDuel and Pinecone Use
Regarding Pinecone, there isn’t explicit information found in the sources provided that directly connects FanDuel or Betfair with the use of Pinecone services. Pinecone specializes in vector database technology, which is generally used in AI/ML applications. The details regarding FanDuel or Betfair specifically utilizing Pinecone's services are not available, so we cannot confirm their use of this particular tool based on the provided sources.
In conclusion, both FanDuel and Betfair make extensive use of development tools like GitHub to manage code and Terraform to maintain their cloud infrastructure. This reflects a broader trend in the tech industry towards DevOps practices, IaC, and cloud-first approaches to building and maintaining scalable, efficient digital platforms.

### FanDuel's Use of GitHub
FanDuel utilizes GitHub to host and manage its numerous repositories which contribute to its infrastructure and various applications. GitHub serves as a platform where FanDuel engineers can collaborate on code changes, manage projects, and maintain the overall health of their codebase. It provides a centralized location where FanDuel's code can be version controlled, which is essential for a company managing a vast amount of code across many projects and services [FanDuel](
The company has 56 public repositories on GitHub, showing a commitment to leveraging open-source tools and engaging with the wider software development community. These repositories cover a range of programming languages and frameworks, illustrating the technological diversity within FanDuel's engineering practices [FanDuel]( [Repositories - FanDuel]( [FanDuel]( [FanDuel](
Some of FanDuel's repositories include important infrastructure components, such as 'AWS CloudFormation backend for Hiera' which is used for managing complex cloud environments, and several other projects involving various technologies like JavaScript, Python, Elixir, and more [FanDuel](
### FanDuel's Use of Terraform
FanDuel employs Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices using Terraform to automate the provisioning and management of their cloud infrastructure. IaC allows FanDuel to define their infrastructure in configuration files rather than through manual processes. This enables consistent and repeatable deployments, reducing the potential for human errors and streamlining the scaling of their services.
With Terraform, FanDuel engineers have the ability to code their infrastructure automation, which helps in managing complex cloud services such as AWS EC2, EKS, AWS Lambda, and AWS RDS. All of this infrastructure is managed with configuration files, offering a more systematic and reliable approach to infrastructure management [What's it like being an Engineer at FanDuel?]( [Infrastructure as code]( [Senior Software Engineer - Java](
By utilizing tools like Terraform and the practices of Infrastructure as Code, FanDuel ensures that its infrastructure can keep up with the rapid pace of their software development lifecycle. It underpins FanDuel's ability to quickly deploy production-ready instances of its platform and adapt to varying state regulations and business demands [What is Infrastructure as Code with Terraform?]( [fanduel-oss/refract: Harness the power of reactive ...]( [Infrastructure as code](
### Conclusion
FanDuel's effective use of GitHub and Terraform highlights the organization's dedication to modern software development and operational practices. Their public GitHub repositories are an illustration of their open-source spirit and collaborative approach, while the use of Terraform and IaC displays their commitment to operational excellence and efficiency. This combination allows the company to be agile in a competitive and dynamic market like online sports betting.

Finding specific software and IT decision-makers for companies like FanDuel and Betfair on LinkedIn involves several steps, since the available information doesn't directly list out all such individuals. However, I can guide you through the process of discovering these contacts using existing online data and LinkedIn's tools.
### Identifying Decision Makers at FanDuel
On LinkedIn, you can search for FanDuel's senior leadership, where you may find leads like the Chief Product Officer (CPO), who is responsible for platform innovations [Our Company - Senior Leadership]( While the specific name isn't provided here, you can look for this title on LinkedIn to find the current CPO of FanDuel.
You can also examine a list of FanDuel employees from various online directories. For example, a principal software engineer's job posting on LinkedIn might indicate the level of senior leadership you are looking for in the IT department [Principal Software Engineer - FanDuel]( Other roles found in job listings, such as software engineers or senior software engineers, might not necessarily be decision-makers but could lead you to the right people within their organizational network [FanDuel hiring Software Engineer - Account in Atlanta ...]( [FanDuel hiring Senior Software Engineer - Foundational in ...](
For more direct contacts, you can explore specialized websites like SignalHire that provide email addresses and phone numbers for employees, which could include software engineers and other IT personnel [List of 2154 FanDuel Employees - Find Emails & Phones](
### Identifying Decision Makers at Betfair
Similarly, a good starting point for Betfair would be to search for executives or senior IT leadership roles on LinkedIn. Job postings for software engineers could offer a point of connection to the IT department^ [List of 35 Betfair Employees - Find Emails & Phones]( SignalHire also provides a list of Betfair employees though it may not directly indicate decision-making roles [List of 35 Betfair Employees - Find Emails & Phones](
### Using LinkedIn Search
On LinkedIn, use filters in the search function to refine your query to FanDuel and Betfair employees. Enter job titles like "IT Director," "Chief Technology Officer," "Software Development Manager," or similar positions that typically hold decision-making power.
### Networking and Engagement
Connect with identified professionals and join LinkedIn Groups or follow company pages related to FanDuel and Betfair. Engaging with content posted by these companies or individuals opens up dialogue and can naturally lead to discovering those in decision-making roles.
Remember to respect privacy and reach out professionally. LinkedIn's networking potential is vast, but should be approached with courtesy and an understanding of each individual's openness to new connections.
### Conclusion
There isn't a straightforward list for software and IT decision-makers specifically for FanDuel and Betfair available in the public domain. However, by leveraging LinkedIn's search and networking features, reviewing job postings, and
Our roster has an opening with your name on it We’re looking for passionate & experienced technologists, strong communicators and those with a commitment to continuous improvement. The ideal candidate will have the confidence to propose pragmatic solutions to complex problems and be eager to learn from and educate others. As a Senior Software Engineer working for our Sportsbook vertical, you will work in empowered, multidisciplinary teams, autonomously tackling complex challenges that provide the very best experiences and products as we build out an exciting and innovative customer experience within the fast paced and growing sports betting environment. You will own and become subject matter experts of areas of your product and technology stack and will be the go to person for those areas. You are considered a Senior Engineer on your team. You work efficiently and routinely deliver the right things with limited guidance. Your work focuses on complex, ambiguous problem areas in existing or new software initiatives. You take the long-term view. You consider where each system is at in its life cycle and where appropriate, proactively fix architecture deficiencies. You can take the lead on new features and deliver it End to End. You enjoy coaching and developing other software engineers' technical skills. ​THE GAME PLAN ​Everyone on our team has a part to play
You work on project ideas with customers, stakeholders, and peers, balancing customer requirements with the team requirements.
You help your team evolve by actively participating, and leading, in the code review process, design discussions, team planning, and ticket/metric/COE reviews.
Write simple, exemplary code that motivates team write quality code & following best standards
Drive engineering engagement best practices (e.g., Operational Excellence, Security, Quality, etc.) and set standards
Work to resolve the root cause of endemic problems including areas where your team limits the innovation of other teams (bottlenecks). This may require you to influence software decisions made by other teams
When confronted with discordant views, you are able to find the best way forward and influence others to follow that path (build consensus)
You foster a constructive dialogue and seek resolutions in a professional way.
You keep yourself up to date with market standards and open-source frameworks.
You provide excellent customer support on an on-call rotation where required
Most importantly, you are humble, pragmatic, self-managed, thirsty for knowledge, never satisfied and always challenging the norm. You’re responsible for the state of the code you both inherit and produce.
THE STATS ​What we’re looking for in our next teammate
Degree in Computer Science, related field, or equivalent work experience
Fill stack experience building and designing highly scalable, fault tolerant and always available systems.
Proficient in building engaging, performant, and forward-thinking web frontends in React.
Experienced in React Native with full stack experience, preferably in a Node.js based backend.
Proficient in building RESTful services Java and Spring.
Experience working with GitOps patterns, CI/CD pipeline tooling (preferably Buildkite), and familiarity with Git, GitHub, Jira, Confluence, and OpenAPI.
Experience working with cloud-based infrastructure and technologies, preferably AWS
Experience in shipping high quality products & services within the Web, Mobile, and/or connected devices spaces
Passion for quality, with experiece in unit testing, testing tools (preferably Postman), and integrating testing and best-quality practices into an SDLC.
Understanding of modern architectures, design patterns, and platform nuances.
Good grasp in a broad range of data structures and algorithms.
Familiarity working in an Agile environment.
Experience working with a high concurrency/high transactional/highly available platform.
Ability to understand the dependencies between components and how they combine to deliver service to the consumer and business
Strong sense of ownership, urgency, and drive with demonstrated abilities driving operational excellence and best practices.
You’re passionate about the fast-paced, innovative, and growing Sports Betting industry.

FanDuel, the number one sports betting company in the United States, utilizes AWS hybrid and edge services such as AWS Outpost and local zones to meet data residency requirements and improve time to market, regulatory compliance, capacity management, and latency, resulting in enhanced player experience and reduced costs. They plan to continue leveraging these services and explore options like AWS Cloud Wan to further simplify network management and support their expanding operations.

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