Friday Brain Dump

Last edited 127 days ago by J. Friday
Current Projects:
Sub projects:
Villej Marketplace & Directory in
Make it Community Podcast & Content
Make it Community Directory
Make it Community TED Talk - 16 minute version
website, Published Community Wealth Articles, Regular podcast guest schedule
Figure out how to get paid speaking gigs
Finish FRN app (PDF instructions and post)
Regular coworking sessions for MiC/Villej
Figure out about launching Sarah’s products on Villej (Shopify site down for past due pmnt)
Figure out where I’m going to live come May
Visa Paperwork (money for visa???)
LCAitUK Dashboard setup
Videos on how to use HelpBnk
MakeitCommunity video series on each: Help, Create, Wealth, Together, for Purpose
Onboarding workflows for Community Brands as part of MiC resources directory other communities can copy/paste/edit
Work out affiliate program with ADHD ally
MoSo - figuring out about how to get Amanda an
Affiliate system with ADHDAlly

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