Members have been working on a directory, search engine, or matching app that matches people looking for projects with projects in progress local to them, or platform/online if this is a global project. Also matches needs to resources/skills. And provides pathways and frameworks, combined with “levelling up” from public and community feedback, for any person / project.
Audience: Target is ordinary people. Growing alongside HelpBnk & Creator Economy Solopreneurs, Local Small Business Owners, Charity Sector, Neurodivergent Movement, Community Wealth & Sharing Economy Folks, Activists
Goal: catalyse people to take agency over their local economies to create communities, while at the same time levelling up their personal development and financial empowerment and teaching them to network and community build in a fluid system with others.
Example partner hub and project city: Liverpool, UK
Sister City? Charlotte, NC Greenville, NC?
Note: Network with community wealth leaders already in these citys to start local media campaigns The goal is to help you find the community you want to cocreate with that is accessible to you and to help them find you, as well as to support these communities as they grow and give them the education and support they need to thrive.
Top of Funnel - People learn about MiC, J. Friday, or Saving the World Strategy Guide and want to get free help, go to website. Alternatively mentioned in HelpBnk comunity and on HelpBnk website, create content around HelpBnk + Neurodivergent + Overlaps with Activists
> Get on email list, take a quiz or fill out a profile that evaluates your key identities, attributes, needs, and skills + location and level
> This information goes on a public discoverable profile with email list for you built in (Roadmap: you will be able to limit access to your profile to only people within your selected communities & block feature)
> Next steps are given from assessment from you based on your skills, needs, dream/goals, access to Discord / other community spaces
> If that goal is a business (or businesses) each of those gets an assessment for what level it’s at and it also gets its own profile and next steps
> These steps involve connecting (networking) and learning to ask for help and to clarify your offers. As you get better at this, your profile is updated.
> We keep track of dates last updated and have a system for checking in on people who haven’t updated in a while. We also have scheduled Q&A and Live sessions to address specific types and subtypes of problems to solve
> When people get “stuck” on one of the checklist / leveling up tasks or need a tool, we find them the community with the skills to help or refer tools
> As the community develops more of our own tools, we can offer our version of tools / resources instead of affiliate ones. Open source as possible.
Coordinate with partners: , Bartt.io, Mr. Warden’s Workshop, HelpBnk, etc...
Fundamental Components of your personal landing page:
Pitch / What you stand for Important Identities / Values Contact Preferences (in person, video call, voice call, asynchronous chat, email) Projects & Communities you’re involved in Relationships (Community) “Level” & Limits Happiness (Self) “Level” & Limits
Fundamental Components of your project’s landing page:
Important Identities / Values Onboarding process for those wanting to get involved