
#MakeitCommunity, or #MiC for short, is a media and education platform with tools to help you find and create with the community brand that matches your location, values, skills, and needs. Community Wealth is the future. We have never been more equipped in history to build businesses to meet our own needs and the needs of our community, empowering regular people the world over to come together and create the world we all dream of. We are building a connection engine to help you get involved and give you the tools, resources and community you need to support you on your social entrepreneurship journey and cocreate businesses for good.

"I can't do great things,
But I can do small things,
And if we all do small things,
Together we can do great things."
- Reece, G'Wed

What is Community Wealth? How do I “Make it Community”?

It’s a simple concept.
When we help each other create businesses in community and toward a shared purpose? We can create a world where everyone thrives. We aren’t meant to do it alone. We each have a unique combination of skills and talents to bring to the world, and when we combine them, we can achieve any dream. This can be as simple as creating something that solves a problem for yourself and then sharing that with a friend — or with the world. Or showing up online to teach other people how you’ve solved your problems so they can learn too. Community wealth doesn’t have to be a massive enterprise. We start small, take actions every day, help each other, and the change will come. Read more about Community Wealth on the

5 CORE CONCEPTS OF #MakeitCommunity

With Purpose
(More info on these and how they work together coming soon! Be sure to to be the first to get this content.)
When we create something new, we are cocreating the world we want to see. It takes a good strategy to pull this off with success, and game theory tells us that cooperating takes these four qualities:



Do your best to instill them in your communities. Be good to you and others. More education on cocreating coming soon, along with tools and resources to accelerate your community brand.

INSPIRING STORIES of Community Wealth in Action

I have so many inspiring stories of how community wealth is already being built every day by everyone from individuals to governments and large companies. I’ll share them as soon a I can! (Stay tuned!)
> Holoholorideshare and the power of commerce in community
> Preston UK and governmental Community Wealth
> Ben Whittle & Danny Richman, helping solve one person’s problem leads to solving many
> Trebor Scholz talk on platform coops
> and the power of creative economics with a purpose
> Simon Squibb Creating a culture of social entrepreneurial help with HelpBnk
> To Kill a Mockingbird wouldn’t have happened without Community Wealth

Be good to you and others. And #MakeitCommunity.

<3 J. Friday

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