Project Mgmt

Meeting Notes

Place Mission and Vision here so we can see it each time we look at the document.
Monday 4-29-24
Changed up the podcast episodes - jumping right in. If they want to know more back story, then can watch your socials - drives up content and I don’t know we need to start with that. Lets just get to the point.

Episode one - talking about the issues with pull you up by your bootstraps and where there is a will there is a way.
I would like to include the mental health aspect -
Introduction of what we’re going to talk about today.
Exit - what were going to talk about next.
Each week we need to have a Monday morning meeting so we can go over goals for the week and touch base on how the socials are doing and next steps.
Once we have the podcast recorded, I will edit it, post it on podcast channel, youtube, make shorts for other socials. Extrapolate the audio- turn it into blog, post it on makeitcommunity and
Cast the vision - ask for support on socials. Maybe link Ko-fi?
We need to cast the vision and tell people exactly what this is for. This is going to pay for you to finish all the things and pay for travel to do the talks and gather people to make it community so we can build the network. (Spit balling)
Need a scheduled release day for the first episode of the podcast… would like to drum up some excitement over it leading up to the first release…we can talk about what is going to be discussed. Then when we post socials - make a sign about opening date for podcast.
It takes a long time to upload to youtube from the Tik Tok live- maybe there is a work around?
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