
Being FOR and not AGAINST.

Originally drafted on 29 November, 2022 🧵
One reason it's more effective to be FOR stuff. And not AGAINST stuff. 🧵
Humans can't think in the negative. Allow me to demonstrate.
Quick, DON’T think of a rainbow tree!
You: ***tries to think of nothing***
Your brain: 🌈🌳!
So, when we are in the anti-something mindset, instead of imagining a new and inspiring system to replace capitalism, we envision not-capitalism and end up just thinking in hierarchical survivalist mindsets. Like trying to get your ideology (socialism, communism, degrowth, etc.) to "win." So what happens then if you win someone over? You get one more person to fight for that ideology. Still competing, just a larger group of you. So instead of competing. Or trying to destroy existing systems. Let's create something. Create something collaborative, cooperative, egalitarian, sustainable, enriching. And make it community. ——————- when we hear #degrowth, we still imagine capitalistic growth. Only, then we go back to the DE part, and that's where things go South quick.
Because DE means away. When we say degrowth, what people hear is:
Your capitalism is getting taken away!
And that's an issue, because 2/
Capitalism is currently how everyone gets their needs met.
Our needs are very shaky right now as it is, and our marketing campaign is to threaten people with austerity.
"But that's not true!" you say. Right? 3/ I hate to break it to you, but...
The truth *does not matter.*
Not in the slightest.
Not even a little bit.
Nope, not even this 👉👈 much.
I'll have Catherine na Nollag illustrate with a personal anecdote.
It's funny because it's true. 😉 5/ What matters is what people THINK.
What works FOR them.
What meets their needs.
And not what
Catherine's friend just pointed out what *does* matter:
What people think and what works for them.
And, as we've already pointed out, people think degrowth sucks.
And what is degrowth doing for them? And doing for them *right now*.
(See: indirect effects
People don't need some perfect inspiring word.
They need an alternative to capitalism that solves their problems today. You know what for-profit businesses get right? The best ones solve problems for people. And they solve those problems today, not ten years from now because, unfortunately, that IS how people work.
It's certainly not offering up any giant rainbow holiday trees! 😍🌈🎄
*No Decorations Included 7/
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