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J Friday | Community Wealth Co-Creator

Remembering my Gramma's Swears

I remember my gramma Evelyn swearing in Czech. A lot. One of the things she used to say all the time was:

"Sakra Himmel. A bude to lepší."

Do you know what it meant?

I learned a little Czech over the years and had help with the translation at one point. The first part means "Damn the heavens!" (Himmel is actually German btw)

Which makes sense. She would say that a lot when things went wrong, heavens be damned! (And she'd also say "Shit on that noise” to anything particularly damnable. Another banger!)

But she'd usually follow it up with the second phrase. And when I'd gotten confirmation on the translation of the second part, I teared up.

Beacause "A bude to lepší." means

"But it will get better."

Even when gramma was swearing, she was reminding herself and others that no matter hard things get, everything changes, and the future isn't written.

I say this to myself as a little mantra all time now, and I am grateful for the unshakeable optimism this woman helped instill in me, helping me to never given up, even during times so difficult I felt I couldn't bare to go on.

What you say -- even your swears! -- will be remembered by and inspire generations to come. You never know which of the things you do or don’t do will have an impact, which means everything you do matters.

So the next time you run into a frustrating situation and shout "Dammit!" pay attention. There might be a kiddo nearby who will remember whether you then turned to them and said "But it will get better."

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