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Interview Day

The collaborative interview made easy.
Have you ever run an interview day in which no one knew what to ask the candidate, and it was hard to get to a decision at the end? This doc is a recruiter’s best friend. Use it to collect everyone’s feedback, align on questions, and reference candidate info. When the day wraps, you’ll have everything you need for the big Hire/No Hire decision.

Quick Start

1️⃣ In the Before the Interview folder, enter in high-level criteria, questions, and question importance you will ask the candidate on the section.
2️⃣ Have each interviewer mark their scores and notes for the candidate in the Interview Folder (see section in this folder).
3️⃣ Review the candidate's overall scores and notes on the section.
What's in this doc?
What This Section/Folder Does
Project Manager
Criteria and questions for the candidate
Team Member
Interview schedule for the day
Team Member
Brief for your team members who are interviewing candidates
Interview Day
Team Member
Folder holds sections for each interviewer's scores and notes
Project Manager
Summary of scores and notes for the candidate once all interviews are finished
There are no rows in this table

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