One education-related doc I think would be super-useful for teachers at all levels: a lesson-planning template for remote teaching.
What other functionality do you think might be helpful to add to the outline below?
1) TITLE & LOGISTICS: for course name, date, title of session, instructor name, plus any necessary links (eg a Zoom room)
2) LEARNING GOALS: articulating the 3 primary learning goals for this session
3) OPENING ACTIVITY: a voting module (e.g. nominate something you've enjoyed reading, watching, or listening to lately) with a button timer for this 3 minute opening activity [teachers can replace with their own opening poll question or interactive activity\
4) DIGITAL HANDOUTS: Documents or links students need in advance of the session
5) PULSE CHECK: To check-in with how students are feeling and doing using the existing pulse-check block
6) INSTRUCTIONAL BLOCK with embed for slides, videos, images, docs or other instructional content (So teachers see how they can include these)
7) QUESTION BLOCK where people can add questions with a button and vote up others' questions
8) NOTE-TAKING BLOCK: In a separate section, so that the teacher can assign a note-taker for the session who can record notes there.
9) POLL BLOCK: Exit-ticket 2-part question at the end of the session - what's one takeaway (one thing you've learned and one thing you'd like to learn more about)
10) TIME-PLANNING TABLE: in a separate section of the doc, for the teacher's use only, this is for the teacher to plan out timing and objectives for each section of class time. In a 3-hour graduate class, for example, we typically break it up into eight 20-minute blocks plus a 15-minute break in the middle and then plan out each of those 20-minute blocks with a particular activity and an objective.
11) EMAIL BLOCK (attached to the note-taking block) so that students could get add their email address during the session to get an automatic email after the session with the notes.
12) POST-SESSION FEEDBACK: for students to share their input on the session
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