This is where you can have a keep track of your college classes every semester, rate past classes, and share with others who can see what classes you’re taking for your major and how you feel about them.
How To Use:
To navigate, you can click below on which year, or click the years on the top of this doc (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior).
When you’re in the year you choose, you can type in the class name in the table and how you would rate the class. You can add notes and elaborate on why you feel the way you do about the class/professor/assignments/exams/labs.
The goals section is for yourself to see your progress and how far you’ve come.N
You can share this with others, such as underclassmen or peers who ask about how a certain class went and whether or not you recommend it. You can also keep it for your own records on how your classes are going for your time at college.
Click below for quick access to different parts of this college class reviews.