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James Wood

Experience, accomplishments, interests
I like designing data visualizations, I have a lot of leadership experience, and I love working with Coda... now I want to work at Coda.

Cover Letter

Coda Team,
I began using Coda earlier this year to track various projects I was working on. The experience and usability of the website was something entirely different from anything I had used before: Coda quickly turned into one of those new applications that I get lost playing around with. It is with great enthusiasm that I submit this letter and resume for the Solution Architect role.
Beginning in 2012, I was handed the challenge of modernizing a ten year old company. Over the following seven years I created a strategic vision that catalyzed the growth of the company; designed a proprietary and scalable order and client management system; developed a revenue and expense tracking web interaction tool; created new service and process procedures for optimizing the company operations; and designed marketing and branding materials and a website. Following this I was awarded a Master’s degree in Design Innovation from the Glasgow School of Art, where I learned to analyze and create solutions to complex public, social, and organizational related problems. Highlights relevant to these positions are as follows:
Developed Tableau data visualizations and dashboards covering an array of topics including disease spread, market valuations, environmental damage, organizational efficacy, and music industry trends.
Designed company wide order management, vendor management, and invoicing system using Filemaker, dramatically improving company efficiency, organization, and revenue tracking.
Designed and developed company-wide interactive intranet using Google Data Studio, Google Analytics, Tableau, and Sheets for tracking KPIs of expenses, revenue, employee performance, and marketing analytics.
Integrated, conceptualized, and managed aggressive company-wide marketing and growth strategy. Designed marketing collateral, website, and brand strategy for roll out, company events, and general marketing efforts.
Further evidence, explanation, and visuals can be provided concerning these aspects of my work. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to speaking with you about how I can add value to the Coda team.
Work Experience
Digital Health & Care Institute
Jan 2020—May 2020: Scotland
Design Researcher
Worked with team to design service process for NHS patient program. Completed interview evaluations and qualitative analysis of patient feedback. Designed web interactive timeline for project webpage, as well as marketing and web analytics dashboard using FramerX, Tableau, and Google Data Studio.
Bricks & Co
Nov 2018—Jul 2019: Seattle, WA
Research Fellow
Worked with team of engineers and designers to set monthly goals in development of machine learning mobile app. Assisted in user centered design ideation to understand the challenges and experience of LEGO in order to better develop machine learning solutions and improvements to computer vision models.
Boomerang Information Services, Inc.
Mar 2016—Jun 2019: Seattle, WA
Director of Operations
Established west coast operations and service offering in Seattle, overseeing three years of consecutive annual growth. Designed company wide invoice and order management system with Filemaker. Conducted operations research to identify process improvements across various departments. Developed internal website for realtime tracking of revenue, employee performance, expenses, and marketing analytics. Oversaw 10x growth of company while in #2 role.
Boomerang Information Services, Inc.
Jun 2013—Mar 2016: Chicago, IL
Director of Research
Developed research process for service offering across 750+ local jurisdictions. Identified and developed aggressive growth strategy and refined service suite. Hired, trained, and managed eight employees across three departments. Redesigned company website, and conducted client development, acquisition, and marketing. Managed 150+ accounts, and never lost a client.
Glasgow School of Art
Program, date
MDes: Design Innovation, Interaction Design, Aug 2019—Sep 2020
Design research; participatory research; interaction design; engagement tools; data visualization; sustainability design; organizational and service design. President and Founder of Woodworking Club.
Calvin College
Program, date
BA: Political Science, Strategic Communication, Aug 2008—May 2012
Four years Calvin Rugby; two years President of Calvin Democrats; two years Vice President of Amnesty International.

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