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Basic OWS DB uses

What features OWS uses now.

General DB stuff:

Bases with tables
All field types from Airtable
Interaction between tables in a base
Interaction between bases (and the tables within them)
Syncs between bases (through conditional statements)
Copy and sync a table from
Statistic/chart apps for visualisations,
Filtering and grouping within tables.

Specific DB stuff for our two main bases:

‘Contributors’ base

One table gathers data about contributors. Inputted by contributors through a form. Data includes:
Single or multi-select options
Plain text
2. Another table must group contributors based on single or multi-select options.
Group entries by skill.
Have a project ID column for ‘projects’ (that is multi-select).
What we would want in the future:
There is no (set theoretic) intersection tool to look at stats like language.
For instance, if someone knows russian and english and another person knows spanish and english, they dont get added to the ‘knows english’ percentage, but to 2 different categories: ‘know russian + english’ and ‘knows spanish + english’
Automatic formatting: fuzzy language detection for inputted data.
Upper case and minor spelling mostly. Airtable has this tool.
Tool (not on airtable): deleting duplicates identified from >1 different columns.
More statistics options. More fields for graphs.
If you already used a Discord handle, then you cannot create another Contributor Profile.

‘Projects’ base

One table gathers data about projects. Inputted by OWS manually. Data includes:
Single or multi-select options
Plain text
2. Another table must group projects based on single or multi-select options.
Group by type of project
Group projects by skills required
What we want in the future:
3. Another table that groups projects with contributors based on single or multi-select options.
Group contributors to projects based on skills required and contributor skills.
This will allow our team to get to this point automatically instead of manually.

Automation tools:

Current intermediary automation tool: . I use this for:
Airtable > Webflow
Updating the project dashboard.
Create or update collection items (in Webflow) from fields of a table (in Airtable).
Updating news and announcements.
Create or update collection items (in Webflow) from fields of a table (in Airtable).
What we want in the future:
When a third party is not listed on Integromat to use their easy-to-use UI, you can make a custom API call. . Because Ceramic is not listed on there, I would need some help in setting these up and seeing how to create new ones for the future. Specifically for:
Project application form (Webflow) > Ceramic (now its Airtable)
Ceramic (now Airtable) > Webflow CMS for project dashboard
Some kind of API for Airtable to push data to it for other internal operations (for example KPI reports)? This would be classified as ‘metadata’ so should not hold the same privacy concerns as contributor and project data.
For all new row entries for some tables: each field of that row to either:
Update an existing item from a collection list on Webflow by matching ID, or (if no ID matches)
Create a new item with those field entries for the same collection list on Webflow.
Automations to MailChimp? or other social media/mail managers

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