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Adding Producers

There are two ways to add producers to InsureTrek, either one at a time or through Bulk Onboarding.
Individual Producer Onboarding Adding a producer, or "Producer Onboarding", provides the user the ability to add (by fetching producer details from NIPR) individual producers onto the platform by several search options:
National Producer Number: The National Producer Number is a unique NAIC identifier assigned through the licensing application process or the NAIC reporting systems to individuals and business entities engaged in insurance related activities regulated by a state insurance department.
Social Security: A Social Security number is a 9-digit number that is unique to every U.S. Citizen. When onboarding by Social Security Number, the user is required to enter the Last Name of the associated individual.
License Number: A state-assigned number demonstrates the producer's knowledge of products and regulations. This helps consumers trust that the agent can help protect their family, and it also allows the state to track the agent's activities. When onboarding by License Number, the user is required to select the coordinating state.

Onboarding Steps

Step 1: Once the search option and coordinating producer's basic details are entered, the user is required to continue the onboarding experience by correcting the recorded biographic information.

Step 2: The user is then directed to assign (or Skip) the state or territory of states (see Creating A Territory) to apply/manage license for the producer. User will then select the Lines of Authority they wish to assign to the onboarding producer.

Step 3: Next, the user is required to select the party (Agency or Producer) financially responsible for managing the applied for (initial) license and license continuation (renewal).

Step 4: The license application will be considered completed or "Needs Attention", depending on whether the producer's onboarding requirements (background questions and employment history) have been completed. If not, the producer will receive an email instructing them to complete their onboarding requirements to jump-start the application process once Finish has been selected.

Step 5: At this point, the producer is considered onboarded!
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