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Young Catholic Professionals in Denver

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Director of Finance

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What is my role as Director of Finance?

Goal: Be responsible steward for chapter longevity
Pay bills
e.g, Monthly chapter fees (automated)
e.,g Pay for insurance (paid through this fiscal year)
Budget for the year
Collect money from peeps
Reimburse people
Write donation receipts (e.g., Board of Directors dues)
More info here (login with your YCP email)
Develop strategies on our business model
Leverage creative ways to get most value with resources
Empower team members with transparent guidelines

How much money do we have?
Expected Cash Balance:
Actual Cash Balance: $8578.62 as of

Good DoF vs. Bad DoF

Good Director of Finance make finances transparent, Bad Director of Finance make it opague.
Good Director of Finance creates clear guidelines that empower team to use finances judiciously
Bad Director of Finance squanders money or misses opportunities by having arbitrary guidelines

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