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5/9/23 @Naples, Florida

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Workshop takeaways

Timothy Team visits the floridian sunshine - May 9, 2023

#meetings #papertrails#meetingnotes

Audience: TC Advisory Team

published in Threads channel #Advisory Team
CC: Fr. Lino, Fr. Bruce, Fr. JK, Fr. JP


@George de los Reyes @Fr. Martin Connor, LC @Michael Lyons
Greetings from Florida!


"Introducing the "Navy SEAL" of mentorship: the Timothy Collective! Where mentors train rigorously that lead to 3x better outcomes than other programs. Like sherpas guiding mentees over life's Mount Everest, our mentors embrace training with grit and prayer.
Intentional fellowship magnifies mentorship impact, much like Michael Lyon’s , where a culture of brotherhood fosters growth. We see a golden opportunity to mentor House Leaders and their housemates.
for TC Mentors and Mentees reflect our high standards across spirituality, family, profession, and personal growth. Our business plan? Generosity from benefactors and mentors, while we seek long-term financial stability and potential partnership with Catholic housing.
Regnum Christi will power Timothy Collective v1, infusing RC charism in mentee formation. We aspire to create an "open source" peerless mentoring playbook for wider adoption.
We will offer white-glove touch in mentor/mentee matching and onboarding while we evaluate Mentor Software (e.g, MentorLoop)
Upcoming actions: Mentor Formation Director onboarding, friction reduction in mentor training, biweekly updates, website launch, and more!
Inoh's editorial: In-person meetups have a certain magic, but we must improve agenda-sharing and structure for efficiency. Our journey took a winding road "zero to one" project, and it's exhilarating to see everything fall into place."

Full notes below:

0/ Recall:

For young Catholic men in their twenties/thirties
Who seek seasoned mentors with active prayer life, vibrant families, and accomplished careers,
The Timothy Collective is your personal board of directors to forge the Whole Man spiritually, personally, and professionally
Unlike corporate mentorship programs or Lumen mentors
Our product delivers uncompromising excellence in mentorship rooted in authentic relationships
Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 12.54.43.png

1/ Decisions

We are the "NAVY SEAL" of mentorship. SEALs undergo rigorous training. Few make it to the end. And that's okay. Our training is what will define the Timothy Collective Mentors.

Our mentors are like sherpas who guide mentees over life obstacles the size of Mount Everest. We expect TC mentors to tackle the training modules with grit and prayer.
We discussed how intentional fellowship is the fuel that can magnify the impact of mentorship. For example, Michael's On Purpose Housing () brings 10 years of data showing how Catholic Housing creates a culture of brotherhood where 'iron sharpens iron.' Underpinning these houses are House Leaders who shape and maintain the integrity of these communities. We believe there is a huge opportunity for TC to mentor House leaders, and captive audience of housemates.
Uncompromising quality means setting high standards across the pillars of spirituality, family, professional and persona on who we accept as mentors or mentees
Regnum Christi powers Timothy Collective v1. As such, the RC charism must be present in our mentee's formation. In the near term, TC will sit under Atlanta RC. In the future, we hope that TC creates an 'open source' playbook of peerless mentoring that other organizations can adopt.
View of Screening Criteria
Business plan
Our business plan relies on the generosity of benefactors and mentors. We need to find a way to make long-term money. Short-term, we will NOT be charging money from mentees who join our pilot.
Mentor Software
We're not at the scale to pay for Mentor Software (e.g, Mentorloop is $300/mo), though we can look to see if there is nonprofit pricing. We will rely on white-glove touch to match and onboard mentors using software like Typeform ($30/mo).

2/ Next Actions

Inoh to onboard Tom McCabe to his new role as Mentor Formation Director by May 12th
Tom McCabe to develop strategies to scale mentor formation.
Tom to work in reducing friction associated with completing Mentor Modules
Inoh to create biweekly updates for mentors/candidates
We're launching our website on May 15th. Mentors and mentees can sign up for the waitlist then.
Inoh will share outline of May 20th zoom call updating the Mentor candidates
Inoh will match our 6 trained mentors to the RC Team Leads and members of encounter team who expressed interest by June 1st.
Michael will go through Mentor training for feedback.
Inoh to share product roadmap showing alignment with Michael's goals to promote Catholic Housing.
Inoh to answer open questions
View of Mentees
View of Mentors

3/ Inoh editorial

my personal commentary, commentary, musings and impressions
Official scheduled talk time: 4 hours. Actual talk time: 7 hours. I love the magic of meeting people in person over drinks, dinner, and carrot cake.
However, we need to do better job share agenda in advance. Our conversation flowed naturally, but also went into the weeds many times.
Bringing Michael led to some interesting conversations on Catholic Housing Fellowship, but it could have been more structured. Next time, know what role each attendee person should play (e.g, Fr. Martin), and provide more context on why each person is there.
We discussed the potential of introducing a shepherd to mentor house leaders in the Timothy Collective model. The shepherd would provide formation, wisdom, and guidance to the house leaders, and the vetting process for potential house leaders would be similar to that of a major company. The shepherd would also provide incentives to the house leaders in order to ensure a high level of vetting.

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