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Getting started as a company with Innoflow

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Participation guide (Recruitment)
This article will explain the Innoflow platform and process, so you get an excellent start to this recruitment case, and so you can concentrate on the case solving itself.

Applicant: Getting started with Innoflow

Event page

The event page gives you all the information that you need before signing up. It will always include a timeline and countdown clock, so you know how the event has been structured. Apart from this, the organiser can choose to add text, images and videos along with links and files. Note the case itself will only be available once at the time and date of the case launch.

Your profile

All participants get their own profile when signing up. The profile is your chance to tell the recruiters who you are and what you can do, as you can fill in your professional and personal skills, picture and the like.
The organiser of the event decides which information you must provide to fully qualify. The required data are listed on both the event and the case pages, but you will be prompted if you have not fully completed your profile.
You can edit your profile by hitting 'Profile' and then 'My Profile' in the top right corner of the page.

Case page

At the time and date of the case launch, an 'Open Case' button will appear on the event page. When you follow the link, you'll get everything that you need to solve the case. The case page may have text, video and images as well as links and files. It all depends on what the organiser has decided to make available.
It is also from this point through to the submissions deadline that you'll be able to upload your solution.

Handing in solutions

When you are ready to hand in your solution, it is a simple process.
Click the 'Upload solution' button on the case page or the upload option in the Dashboard
Click 'Deliverables upload' and select your solution files
You can upload up to 2 deliverables, including video file
Your files will be assigned a number, and you'll receive a confirmation email that the solution has been successfully handed in.

If you uploaded the wrong file, or if you would simply like to replace it, you can upload a new file, via the 'Replace' button.

Messaging options

In the Dashboard, it is possible to read messages from the organisers, and you can find all the files from messages under resources in the Dashboard.


After the submissions deadline, the judges will assess your solution and grade based on criteria that the organiser has created. As no personal information is shared when they grade solutions, there is no need to worry about unconscious bias.
When once the organiser is ready, they can release the results of the competition. You'll be able to see your results under the Upload Option in the Dashboard, but it will also be sent to the email that you signed up with.
Good luck

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