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Getting started as an organizer with Innoflow

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Inviting Administrators and Event Judges

Inviting and administering Administrators, Participants and Event Judges

It is easy to invite colleagues and judges onto the platform, so you can collaborate on the event and the judges and access solutions.

Inviting colleagues:
If you need to create a user with administrative rights, you simply have to do the following:
Navigate to Administrators, under Organisation
Click ‘Invite New’. You’ll see a dialogue box, and now you can enter the name and email of the new administrator.
They’ll soon receive an email, with all the information that they need.

That’s all there is to it.
Inviting judges:
When you need to give your external judges access to the solutions of your participants as well as the judging criteria, simply follow the below steps:
Under judging, click Event Judges. You will see all the judges that you have invited.
Now click ‘Invite New’, and you’ll be asked to provide their name and email.
They’ll soon receive an email, with further instructions on how to access the platform and solutions.

Event Judges is also where you can administer judges in general.

Administration Participants
When you need to administer participants and their teams you can do this under Participants from the Dashboard.
Here you’ll be able to see their profiles contact information and other information too. If your event is team-based this is also where you can see if any teams are incomplete, as well as move team members around, if needed.
Moving team members
You may find yourself needing to move participants from one team to another, and here is how you do this.
Navigate to Participants from the Dashboard
Find the team that the participant is currently part of and click ‘Move members’
You now have the option to one or more participants to move, then click ‘Move’
Now you see a list of team that you can move the participant(s) to, select the desired team
Hit ‘Confirm’

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