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Jumpstart Your Plant-Based Eating Journey

Plant Power Up is a unique interactive health coaching program that will enable you to ease into your plant-based transition
❌ the diet mentality 😭🥗
❌ the frustration 🧀🍰
❌ and the overwhelm 👩‍🍳🤷‍♀️
and get ready to
✅ have fun in the kitchen 🤩🍽
✅ tap into plants magic 🥦✨
✅ and eat your way to health 🤸‍♀️& a better planet 🌏🐷

You have two programs to choose from:

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📆 Next round will be announced soon!

Read more about each program below ⤵️

🍪 Start With Snacks - 1 Week Crash Course

Begin your plant-based journey with one simple step: Start with Snacks

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What is Start with Snacks?

Start with Snacks is a 1-week group program to help you add more plant-based healthy snacks.

This program is a perfect fit for you if:

✅You want to eat healthier without giving up delicious snacks
✅You want to control your snack habit or manage cravings
✅You’re contemplating eating more plant-based aren’t sure where to start or how to do it properly
✅You want an introduction to nutrition and healthy eating

By the end of the week, you’ll have made 7 healthy plant based snacks 🍪 that you can build into your routine.

Starting a new routine is hard, especially when you go at it alone. I failed too many times trying to do that.
What I found is that the key is doing this together and having fun in the process!
We’ll work through simple recipes so you can learn easy ways to make a change. Once you see that it can be simple and fun, that’s what will motivate you to keep going afterwards!
Plus you’ll have taken your first step towards eating more plants and that’s something we’ll make sure to celebrate 🥳

How the Program Works (Click > to expand)

During 7 days, you’ll be challenged to switch your regular snack with a delicious plant-based snack (sounds like heaven right 🙌?) To ensure you go through this transformation with:
📔Get a 5-ingredients Vegan Snack ebook including +10 delicious healthy recipes
📋Starter Guide: Plant-based pantry essentials list
📹1 video module teaching the foundations of:
Healthy plant-based nutrition 101
The way your body works, why we crave unhealthy foods and how to start craving healthier alternatives
Create your own healthy plant-based snacks that will satisfy your palate and satiate you
👯‍♀️ Holding you accountable with a daily mini-challenge shared in a private group chat with all the other women in the program
We aim to keep the calls and group small so everyone gets the attention they need. Likely, if there are more than 8 people, we’ll split up into multiple calls.

How much is the investment?

For our launch special, you can join Start with Snacks for only 40€.

When does it start?

📆 Next round will be announced soon
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📆 Next round will be announced soon!

✨ Everyday Meal Magic - 6 Week Transition Program

Ease into eating more plant-based daily with hands-on support and a step-by-step program

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What is Everyday Meal Magic?

Plant Power-Up: Build a Meal Plan is a 6-week group program to help you transition to eating more plants by creating a custom plant-based meal plan that fits your lifestyle, location, and health needs.

This program is a perfect fit for you if:

✅You have been wanting to transition to eating mostly plants but are afraid to be lacking nutrients and harm your health
✅You want a flexible approach to slowly incorporate more plant-based meals
✅You want to make sure to have a program that is tailored to your taste and your lifestyle
✅You are ready to have fun in the kitchen and discover new flavors & techniques
✅You need a game plan to save time in the kitchen without sacrificing taste
By the end of the 6 weeks, you’ll have a custom plant-based nutrition routine. And a step by step process to continue on adding more plants into your lifestyle even after the program is over.
Eating is something we do daily that’s why it can be very overwhelming to make a change in our nutrition.
I get it. My first attempt to transitioning 4 years ago, I felt so miserable not being able to eat my favorite foods: croissants, cakes and cheese… 😰 that I didn’t manage to stick with it.
I don’t want you to feel stressed, overwhelmed, restricted and frustrated like I did when starting on your plant-based journey.
There’s a way to transition to eating mostly plant-based that is simple and truly exciting (ain’t got time to eat boring food 🙅‍♀️)
With this program you’ll totally change your approach to nutrition, focusing on implementing more plants instead of focusing on restrictions, as no food will be banned! (sayonara diets 👋)
I now eat 99% plant-based without feeling any frustration and have helped dozens of women feeling more confident and loving eating mostly plants.

How the Program Works (Click > to expand)

During 6 weeks, you’ll learn everything you need to know about plant-based nutrition, how to create habits that you can actually stick to and will start implementing more plants every week.
To ensure you go through this transformation with:
👩‍💻 A 1:1 nutrition coaching call with me to evaluate your current nutrition, establish your goals and receive tailored plant-based nutrition advice
📹 6 video modules
Module 1️⃣: Why eat plants (click > to expand)
What’s a plant-based diet, demystifying all the myths & how it benefits your health and the plant
Module 2️⃣: Plant-based nutrition 101
Everything you need to know about plants macro and micro nutrients and how to create balanced plant-based meals with a simple formula
Module 3️⃣: Master your routines
Learn how to build routines into your schedule without overwhelm and start implementing your first plant-based habit in your life
Module 4️⃣: Plant powered kitchen
Get your plant-based kitchen and pantry essentials, meal prep and shopping guide to cook fast and cheap nutritious plant-based meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and baking.
Module 5️⃣: Crushing life challenges
How to order at the restaurant, finding plant-based options while traveling, falling off the wagon, pricey ingredients, how to communicate with plant resistance and how to discern what nutrition information is valid or not in the news
Module 6️⃣: Master your body
Everyone’s needs and intolerances are different, you will always be the best person to know what’s best for you, and you’ll learn how to become a master at listening to your body’s cues and eat intuitively
💪 Weekly mini-challenge to get you to take action and create plant-based habits in your daily life
👯‍♀️ Weekly group call to hold you accountable on your new plant-based habits, address any roadblocks, answer your questions, set up your next action steps
📲 A private group chat to share your progress and keep you motivated with daily videos and quick tips

We aim to keep the calls and group small so everyone gets the attention they need. Likely, if there are more than 8 people, we’ll split up into multiple calls.

How much is the investment?

For our launch special, you can join “Everyday Meal Magic” for only 325€.

When does it start?

📆 Next round will be announced soon
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📆 Next round will be announced soon!

💖 What others say about working with me

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Your options

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👇 Apply Here to Join

Apply below or use if you want to join. I’ll get back you via email to let you know if I think this program can help you. The payment will be due before the program starts. If you have any questions email me at



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