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Permission Template 01

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Outlines what is happening

Two types of permission logic

Permission management is notoriously difficult. We tackle the most crucial elements on these pages to help you building or restoring functionalities based on two types of logic:
@Hierarchy Logic
@Group Logic

Hierarchy based permissions have as starting point that there is an order, we work with levels. Each level can be represented by one or multiple individuals. We only need one permission per level. This person per level can agree or disagree. After an agreement, the next level (dis)agrees. The proces stops if one level disagrees. After a disagreement a new process can be started based on a reset (only possible for the team leader)
The alternative is a Group based logic in which there is no specific order. The only rule is that all members in the group have to agree before due date. There is only one level and all members are required to agree to pass.

Define your Project

The starts with the option to define your project. The project name becomes the starting point of everything that follows. The team leader’s name is below the email that gets out to alert all members involved. It is also the team leader that can reset a proces.
Once Coda rolls out the canvas column type, all info can be put together. Till then we have a column for an attachment and an other for text.

How to notify / alert ?

Once the project is created, the team leader sends an email to all involved and takes care of the follow up manually. you can adapt this apge according to your wishes.
On purpose we did not include more emails nor notifications. The latter easily confuses the members. More emails can be added on request like:
every next user (group)
after the final agreement
after a disagreement

It is also possible (and on request) to implement a notification system.

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