I started this set up with the native Coda AI, but it failed too often to behave as a helpful assistant. I moved to Gemini. This AI can handle larger texts, but seems to make up stuff here and there. For the moment, AI seems not good enough in this context, certainly not when the texts are long. Click on the button below to test if this time it works for you ⤵️
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The **live stream** on the Virtual Bacon Channel has been **delayed**. The host apologizes for the inconvenience, emphasizing that this is not a **typical** occurrence.
2024 Year in Review with Coda + Grammarly | Webinar
all right let s jump in hi everyone I m shra I m H one of the co-founders of Kota um now the CEO of the combined company um grammarly and let me get my share okay so um uh today I m joined by Lan Shackleton he s the chief Park officer of Kota and by n Linsky the chief Park officer of grammarly and uh we ll be going through a few different topics for those of you that are new to this we do this every year in January um generally we just uh spend our time looking backwards at uh the previous year this case 2024 giving a little bit of a sneak peek into the next year in 2025 and then taking some open questions um there s obviously some new context this time as we have combined companies together with grammarly and so we re going to talk a bit about some of the plans there as well um just in terms of uh how to navigate the the dock um uh feel free to jump ahead to questions and oops looks like a lot of people found it already um so add your questions in here uh your votes do matter there s no way we re getting through all of these um so uh please jump in and uh add your questions um there s also a wish list um love the signal we get from this every year uh so please add your thoughts to the wish list of things you really want us to to work on things you may already have thought of or things you think of as we run through uh the agenda so I m going to start by doing the uh look back into 2024 um and then Lane and no together are going to talk a bit about where we re headed in 20125 all right with uh no further Ado uh let s get started so into 2024 um so lots launched in there were 63 major launches it s always hard to really pick um out of that set but I picked uh my top five so let me jump in and uh talk through beginning this um and I picked out five uh please Cod a team that s uh watching no uh no hard feelings if I didn t pick something you worked on but uh they re all my all my favorites um all right so uh the first one I wanted to talk about is uh lowering the floor as um as our audience often knows we use this term a lot lowering the floor raising the ceiling um and this year we focused a lot on lowering the data floor in particular uh Kota has long been known for having uh some of the most flexible and Powerful databases uh of all the different products out there um but we also heard a lot of demand for wanting a version that didn t feel quite as databasing so this is uh now a simple table in your document it s it s called grid um and it s a layout structure it actually is just canvas cells in each cell so we got to reuse a lot of our core technology there U and we ve been adding features to this as we go very popular um uh feature especially as you re just trying to lay out a simple document maybe you re laying out pros and cons or trying to trying to make a quick list and you don t want all the features of a full database um that was a great starting point all right second um one of our teams spent most of the Year focused on supercharg ing project management a very common use case of Kota is to uh run large projects in Kota um there s a lot of different things they did I picked out just two of them um so the first one was timeline views so we ve we ve had timeline views for a long time and we ve been uh improving them quite a bit uh but by far the number one feature request in Timeline views was uh dependency management the ability to add dependencies and have them be respected as you drag things uh around in the interface um so there s now three different modes for how you can do that um with all flexible and strict and then the other big request was sub items so you could uh technically model sub items in Koda using relation columns but now we added them at the first class concept um so you can now get sub items directly so you can get that infinite hierarchy uh underneath is still uses relation columns so you can still do things like calculate rollups or you know look for uh um uh all the things at a certain level or so on as well I thought this was a very good example of uh taking a a good building block and turning it into a much more natural entry point all right let s talk about working across document so as uh teams grow with Koda they end up with lots of different documents that they re using the uh a few different things the team has been working on here um I m guessing it is no surprise to this group but the number one feature request in Kota uh is almost always the ability to share individual pages from aoda do um we a couple years ago uh we set up a road map for how we re going to do this it tends to be more complicated in Kota than some other products because of the ability to have um uh databases calculations formulas that can span uh Pages uh so the team has diligently been working through uh getting this out in stages in four steps um and uh this year we got to step three um so in particular what that looks like is you can now add a sync page to a document um and instead of uh saying only people with Source access you can say everyone in this document and you don t have to share the underlying docent document anymore so now for example if you have a document with a page per customer you can now embed that page in uh in that customer s Hub and that customer can t see the rest of uh the rest of the customers um right now this is readon edit mode and so on are coming uh coming soon and then we ll get to step four with the direct share page entry point the other big thing we worked on is cross St so cross St tables are a very common uh use case of of Koda um and we just spent a lot of energy making them better A lot lot of things went into what may seem like uh simple uh features but a lot of work went into this um so cross tables now support ad row and delete row um uh also one of the big ux changes is now you can set the filters for your crossback table as you insert it instead of having to do it in the destination um which was a very common uh pain point for people as well all right number four Koda brain so I personally spent a lot of time on Koda brain this year um for those less familiar the basic idea is very simple we took all the different packs of Koda so there s now thousands of packs um or so public in the gallery uh and we took them and and turned them into the basis of a new AI chatbot uh that we call a Kota brain and one of the big uh differences here is that it looks and feels like chat GPT but it knows all your actual information um everything from your email to your calendar to your to DRS Salesforce and and whatever else it could return unstructured and structured results um they can take those results and put them into different presentations and of course then add them to a document so you can take action from there um so this is rolled out to a few dozen customers now um iterating quickly on this as we go and there s a bunch of new things coming here I think Lane will talk about in a little bit all right uh number five I um I picked one actually from the community uh in this case I picked a really fun event we did uh with Lenny so uh Lenny maitz is a very popular podcaster um this was his first event ever and he decided to do it in partnership with Kota uh which meant we helped him plan the event but we also ran the event both the front end and the back end entirely in Kota which was a lot of fun um as well um I got to give a small talk at the event uh probably no surprise I decided to talk about rituals of great teams um in this case I uh I picked out a set of rituals about great decisionmaking and if you want to watch The Talk the URL is at the bottom it s on my profile um and it ll probably be again no surprise but many of the rituals described in that talk uh have great Cod templates go with them all right and of course uh one more uh big launch of the year was grammarly plus Kota um I m on uh week three here I ll play a little video in case anybody missed it uh this is what day one looked like um for coming to the office decided to bring along my umot logo with me um I ll turn the music down a little bit um so uh I know this was probably a surprise to many of you to be honest it s not how I expected the year to end either um but it s been absolutely amazing uh I m on on week three here now and I thought um we re going to talk a little bit about some of what we re going to be working on together but I thought I would take a moment and just give people a little bit of the story of uh how this happened as well let me let the video finish there we go that was a lot of fun the uh the social media team at gramly had a lot of fun with that um so um let me tell you a little bit about how this came to be so uh I was in the middle of planning for 2025 uh had written up my uh Vision memo with our leadership team and was talking to our our board and advisers about it and one of them suggested that maybe we should talk to the team at grammarly um first I wasn t that sure uh but they insisted that it would be um it would be fruitful H and so I ended up spending a day with the the grammarly founders where we just exchanged our vision memos and discovered that they really felt like puzzle pieces they felt like the very complimentary plans on what we were working on together and basically by the end of that uh that day we decided it be uh much faster and much more fun uh to do this together um there were two particular things we we talked about there um uh one was we talked a lot about the future of agents and in AI H one way to think about it is that grammarly is probably one of the oldest uh agents sort of the original agent for the last 15 years it s been helping millions of people actually 40 million uh people use grammarly every day um to communicate better in every product that they use and there s a one really important secret for what the grammarly product achieves is that that it works directly in every application you work in so Alex and Max the gr co-founders call this the AI superhighway it allows AI to get all the way to the edge right in the surfaces that that users working um there s only one problem with it is that if you think think of that AI Super Highway there s only one car running on that super highway today it s the proof reader and it s a really good and impactful one but there was a lot of discussion about what else would you do if you had access to all the different uh places where people are working all the time meanwhile at Kota we talked a bit about what we ve been doing with Kota brain where we ve really been taking Kota packs and turning them from uh a structured declarative interface to a conversational one that s what we ve been doing with with Cod of brain allows you to ask questions of your Gmail of your Salesforce of whatever other systems you might have and we thought about what would it feel like to put these two together um and it all sort of clicked that what if you could have agents that thousands of them that actually understood all your information and work right where where you work maybe just give a quick example imagine you re writing a customer memo and right now the grammarly assistant can help you make sure you re communicating effectively and using the right grammar in tone but what if it could also help you make sure that you have all the right facts for that customer have pulled the right feedback and have uh um all the latest information on their requests so that s one piece of what we talked about all these agents um with grammarly being one of the most important ones a proof reading agent uh and every pack all being available right to the edge of every everybody s work experience the second thing we talked about is the future of applications and we talked a lot about how grammarly is deployed everywhere but lacks a core home uh and one of the things that the team had been working on was thinking about what would that core productivity space feel like if they were building something uh first party and we found that a lot of what was uh what was being discussed was very close to what we ve been building with Koda as a real home uh for users the uh and as we started talking more and more about it we realized that of course we don t want to just help people build uh uh simple documents everybody who uses Koda knows that it s actually an application building surface in Disguise um and allows us to rethink the future of application building uh as well um so I know there s a lot of teams out there working on AI and AI related things you know people that are uh building agents that can code and browse the web and so on but I really think that what we re working on with gr and Kota is very unique because it allows both companies to start with the blinking cursor that users actually work with so that s a little bit of a backgrounder on what we re up to uh like I said it s week three so we re we re really just getting moving but I thought it d be great to take a little peek into where we re headed uh for next year so with that I m going to turn it over to Lane uh to show you a bit of our uh road map along with uh along with no Just sh we got to see your notes on the screen so we could see um just how good you are at taking a few bullet points and uh and generating great talk track sorry about that good there you go yeah uh all right it s great all right let me share my screen can you all see that okay um thanks to share and uh incredible progress in 2024 really uh really proud of the teams uh and what they accomplished um so I m going to talk a little bit about 2025 um we re GNA talk about three themes uh and the First theme is working better with teams um now like shashir said you know we don t have time to cover all of our plans uh so this is going to be uh not comprehensive intentionally um our our teams you can trust that our teams are working on a very wide set of improvements across Koda dos um but we wanted to pick a few just to highlight for you today um so in 2025 we really uh feel committed to making sure that Kota continues to be uh the tool that teams can really rely upon for their most critical work and as share alluded to one big topic that we hear about from both our community and really teams of all sizes uh is information sharing and um as shashir talked about last year we you know we ve been on this kind of multi-year Journey to create uh what we feel like is is really the best and most secure way um to share information across documents um last year we enabled sync page uh access controls uh that enabled people to sync a page without giving access to the rest of the source doc that s in view only mode right now we intend to enable editing uh this year and this year we also plan to enable what s been a long awaited capability which is securely sharing a page from any doc um and the cool part is this enables um so many scenarios that we ve heard about from the community and and really a lot of different uh teams of all sizes so agencies and Freelancers um that want to securely share information with different clients from a single kind of Hub where they do their work um or people in HR teams that want to kind of selectively share information with