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Coda template room reservations

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Room reservations

Select available time slots only

No pack required - a daily automation does the job

Every day at 21h the date of today is removed meaning that after 21h you can no longer book a night
you can change this time setting in the automation
Every day at 21h a new date is added to keep the list of available dates in line.
you can decide if you want to have 2 or 3 months availability online (or longer or shorter)
You can manually remove dates from the list feeding the options
this may be of interest when you go on holiday for example and you are closed.

Can I send payment links?
Yes, you can connect a Gmail pack, create an email template and include a payment link. This part is not included in this template. In my region we often use and I would simply create a few links that remain valid for a long time, one for each room and share them with the client. I would also put back the rooms for sale when the payment does not follow in for example an hour. That you can automate partly.
You can use AI to create the email content in the language of the guest, once you ask for her language preference.
Note that not all automations reduce your work. Some will add work instead of reducing it. That is why this template is stripped from extras. Keep it simple.
Is there a limitation on rooms
No, you can create as many rooms as you want. When you run a hotel with 20 plus rooms, you may consider a different solution that offers standard a lot of options for a relative low price (100 dollar per month for example). After all Coda remains a low code solution. Coda can handle quite al lot of data and once you have more than 10K rows, you can move parts to other docs or download it as a csv file for back up purposes.
Why is it expensive?
The Coda market is tiny. Only a few templates will be sold. These few buyers have to compensate for the lack of volume. Nevertheless it is cheaper than asking an expert building this for you. Although the solution looks simple, it is not, but I promise you it is elegant.
Over time this template will become more expensive (that is by the way true for all templates). Make your own calculation and accept that sometimes a manuel process is the best practice. Once you have a student picking up the phone to check dates, this one may be of interest for it limits the room to make mistakes.
The only permits for selecting available time slots.
Can I use this template to get available meeting rooms?
No you cannot. In this template we assume the night is always a complete night you pay for and thus that the departure date is after the arrival date. The code to check available meeting rooms is difficult compared to the code snippets we need in this template. I created a template dealing only with meeting rooms
There are no rows in this table

How to use this Template?

You copy the tables in your own workspace and from there you can use parts of it as you see fit. Have a good look at the automations, they are essential.

Is there support?

If you need support, we can set up online training. Once the payment is in, you have 30 min for free.

This template is for sale.

1279.95 Euro Ref: Room booking
You receive access to a copy you can duplicate in 14 days after your payment.

Something I need to know?

You find my . The summary is that once you have access to the doc and its content (including the formulas) you can use it as you see fit. How you apply them is your and yours alone, I am not involved. If you have purchased this template, you also do not intend to share the formulas on a commercial basis with somebody else. This I cannot check, it is a matter of courtesy.
I assume I can trust, may I be mistaken don’t hesitate to correct me.

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