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Preceding values

Spreadsheets have previous rows, in Coda we have preceding values

Who benefits from this template?

First those with more money than time. You can copy - paste the formulas and many of your problems are solved instantly. When you have time and no money, you should go to the community and or read my blogs.
Everybody using Coda in financial calculations benefits from the inights I share. Even I do when I have to set up something for a client. Understanding the logic is something else than having all the logic directly available.
In this template you find:
previous row alternative
rolling total
moving average
Net Present Value (the value of your dollar today in x years)
Interest rates and related set ups

In the context of a spreadsheet, the “previous row” refers to the row that immediately precedes the current row. For example, if you are on cell A2 in a spreadsheet, the previous row is row A1. The previous row can be used to reference cells or to calculate values. In Coda we do things differently.
In this template we work with a proper date time notation. The main reason is that previous not only means the row before this row in this sorting, but also the value related to a previous moment.
Calculations related to rates, use the function Power(), this value handles mostly the years (although it can be applied to months or weeks as well).

How to use this Template?

You copy the function in your own docs and you make sure that the column names for start & end date are the same. That is all. No packs to install. Simple and straightforward.

Is there support?

If you need support, we can set up online training. Once the payment is in, you have 30 min for free.
This template is for sale.
379 Euro Ref: preceding values
You receive access to a copy you can duplicate in 14 days after your payment.

Something I need to know?

You find my . The summary is that once you have access to the doc and its content (including the formulas) you can use it as you see fit. How you apply them is your and yours alone, I am not involved. If you have purchased this template, you also do not intend to share the formulas on a commercial basis with somebody else. This I cannot check, it is a matter of courtesy.
I assume I can trust, may I be mistaken don’t hesitate to correct me.
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